“Sound park”
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
The "Sound park" youth exchange will provide 24 young people from 4 countries with the chance of learning about other cultures, developing communication and creative skills, trough music and artistic expression.
There will be four working groups that consists of five young people aged 16 to 20 years and one group leader. The project will be encouraged not only by music connoisseurs, but also by those who want to improve themselves in the music and creative skills trying to interact with different people in order to perform a final musical show.
This project will last for nine days. Participants will be situated in Omegna municipality as all the activities will be held there. During the project there will be team building and ice-breaker games, singing evenings, jam sessions, theater workshops, music-creative games, masterclasses led by experienced musicians, as well as some physical activities. Participants will have opportunity to perform traditional and contemporary songs, create a little show with their band and to participate actively in a wide number of workshops.
In addition, we will create an Art group and an Happening group in which participants can join for the creation of fliers or videos and to practice dance or a little drama presented during the show. During the rehearsals, participants will have also the opportunity to create our "Sound Park Song" contributing actively in the creation of lyrics and music. This song will be performed by all the participants together at the end of our show and will spread original messages creeated by the participants to enlight the role of music as a tool for inclusion. Our original song will be created with the influences of each country participants giving the opportunity to everyone to be included with creativity.
We will create on facebook a group for sharing ideas, materials and for the communications and follow up about any issue of the project.