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Sosiaalisen sirkuksen työpajamallin jalkauttaminen Gailway Community Circukseen
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of this project is to bring the Family Circus workshop-method of Culture Centre Piipoo to Galway Community Circus, Ireland. The training is led by PiiPoo's Family Circus group and Social Circus Instructors. Galway Community Circus' Trainers and the participants of their Family Circus pilot project take part in the training. Galway Community Circus' Family Circus pilot group has young people with special needs and their families in it. The project begins with a planning meeting between PiiPoo's Social Circus Instructors, PiiPoo's Executive Director and Galway Community Circus' Circus Director. The planning meeting takes place in Ireland and during it the exact goals and content of the project, project participants (taking into account any special needs), accessability of all the venues and the training materials used will be throughly discussed and decided upon. Training material will include Effective Circus- project guidebooks which have been translated into English. After the planning meeting PiiPoo's Social Circus Instructors and PiiPoo's Family Circus group travel to Ireland for six days. Over the six days they will run an intensive social circus training course at Galway Community Circus. The training course includes theory lessons for Galway Community Circus Trainers and social circus workshops with PiiPoo's Family Circus group and the Irish pilot group of Family Circus. There will be in total 15 hours of theory classes and 20 hours of Family Circus workshops. On the fifth day of the intensive training course there will be a Family Circus Show and Family Circus workshops open to the members of the public at Galway Community Circus (4 hours in total). After the training course we will evaluate the project by getting feedback from all the participants of the Finnish and Irish Family Circus groups (if and what kind of effect the project had on them etc.) and from the Finnish and Irish Circus Trainers (quality of the training etc). Finally, the Directors or PiiPoo and Galway Community Circus will evaluate the success of the project for both organisations and consider potential future collaborations. The goal of the project is that the Irish Circus Trainers of Galway Community Circus will learn and adopt PiiPoo's Family Circus workshop-method and will run Family Circus programmes at the Circus School independently after the project.

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