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Somebody Told Yoga
Start date: Jan 20, 2016, End date: Sep 19, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project is youth exchange project.The oweral aim of the Project is to live in a quality way. To do this, first we need body, mental and soul health. Each body has its own memory. Unfortunately, it is full of with wrong information. Yoga movement aims the integrality of the body and by providing the body to be aware of wrong habits it aims to romeve them from the body to put right habits into the body. Mind has also wrong thoughts just like the body. During a yoga session, mind leaves all these wrong thoughts and tends to understand the feelings which occur in body.At the end of regular yoga exercise, the person’s body reaches the integrity and relaxes. The mind gets rid of unnecessary thoughts and as a result, the person accepts herself as she is and learns how to live and enjoy the moment.In this concept, the overall objective of our project is to help young people to make reaserch in their lives, to teach the ways of simplifying the business of the mind and to discover the ways of healthy lifeby identifying the feelings that occur in the body. Objectives of the Project :-To preserve the mind from the negative thoughts of daily life by renewing the body and with the help of different yoga techniques- To ensure the muscules to be more strong with exercises-To teach the appropriate way of breathing which clearifies the mind- To ensure the youngsters having mental simplicity and peace-To develop the young people’s correct eating habit with yoga-To ensure the young people to control their thoughts and wishes-To ensure inner peace by relieving the muscules using the relaxing techniques- To increase number of cooperation for future about healthy life among youngsters.The number and profile of the participants:The participants will be between 16-30 years old. According to the rules of the programme, although from 13 years old youngsters are eligible for the projects, we decided to put the age range between 16-30 because yoga is a serious exercise. But, for the group leader, there is no age limit. There will be 10 participants and 2 gruop leader from each organization. There will be 48 participants in total.Basic Activities of our Project To have a facebook account to share Project info, preparatory visit, ice-breakers, making movie, daily evaluation activities, general evaluation, doing qestionaire, skype conferences, NGO and cultural nights, group work, yoga activities, brochure and poster preparation, presentations, dissemination activities, preparation of Project report Methods that will be used during the Project duration;Group dynamic games , daily activities for active body, ice-breakers, energizers, individual activities, group Works, evaluation questionaries, learning by living, discussions, brain storming, role play, case study, creating composition, writing story.Affects, outcomes, long and short term advantages of the Project:They will learn about yoga and healthy life and also how to practice itBoth individual and group activities will help the participants to develop themselves and they will use actively what they learnt in their own regions The participants and the local people will be conscious about healthy life and they will be more sensitive and conscious about having healthy generations Local people’ interest on Youth Projects will increase and the participants, who join to this Project, will want to participate to this kind of Projects again. The participants’ curiosity for Turkey will increase as Turkey is a different than Europe in many way. Therefore, they will feel to know Turkey better and search on it.The participants, who come from different countries and societies on a common topic, will share eachother’s knowledge and experiences. They will try to find solution fort he common problems alltogether.The Project will ensure the participants to be useful not only fort he Project itself but also it will make them active individuals in their life with the help of active participation and given responsibilities. They will have interaction with each other with cultural night and make new friendships. This cultural night will maket he different societies know eachother and so the participants will get rid of their prejudice. With our Project activities with participants from different countries, we will create long term partnerships in the future.
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