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Solidifying professional identities
Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EPB, an institution with 26 years and accumulated know-how in the field of education and vocational training, integrates 667 trainees and 62 employees.The project "Solidifying Professional Identities" intends to put 51 trainees (students of the 2nd and 3rd years of different professional courses) at international vocational trainings in 3 European countries, during one month (from June 5th to July 4th, 2017), in different institutions of several sectors of activity, by the following framework of cooperation: 18 students through Stage Malta (in Birkirkara , Malta) of Secretarial, Management and Programming of Computer Systems, Multimedia and Civil Construction courses; 15 students through Education & Mobility (in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), Trade, Accounting and Health courses; and 18 students by Vitalis (Leipzig, Germany), Electronics, Hvac, Mechatronics and Mechatronics Auto.All partners accumulate a wide and solid experience in European partnerships and mobility projects, with recognized results arising from its qualified and competent teams, the quality and diversity of the local partners network, by the accuracy, commitment and culture of proximity, values that guarantee a great planning, hosting, monitoring and excellent opportunities of training for participants.Partners ensure the work placement of trainees in their respective professional areas, with challenges and technical means of the markets that they will integrate in the future, looking for meeting their training needs in terms of acquisition of new knowledge, work methods and development of technical, scientific, linguistic and cultural skills to enhance their integration into the vast European labour market. The initiative, autonomy and problem-solving capacity constitute cross-cutting aspects present in the definition of all the workplans.They will also provide historical and cultural visits to the main local palces, among other activities that facilitate the integration of participants that promote knowledge that goes beyond the technical and scientific field. The experience in a different social context, as well as accommodation in shared apartments, will allow participants to develop cross-cutting skills: autonomy, responsibility, cooperation and mutual aid, communication, emotional intelligence training, conflict resolution, adaptability, among others.In this project, EPB will boost dissemination and encouraging participation initiatives (sessions, website, school magazine, etc.); sharing sessions of experiences by students who have already participated in international projects; selection of candidates according to regulated criteria; clarification meetings with participants and parents about the cultural, social, economic characteristics of the host countries and companies; preparation meetings, with focus on procedural issues, documentation and security; language competence enhancement activities (intensive courses of English, Spanish and German languages); several meetings with partners and teachers.Among the work methods, we highlight the participatory methodology, by the involvement of all actors in the process, based on ongoing dialogue and emphasizing reflective and creative dimension, by everyone involved, throughout all phases of the project.With the project "Solidifying Professional Identities" we intend to contribute to the development of professional identity of trainees. The international vocational trainings as a stage of multiple changes and key acquisitions to autonomous practice of future technicians, will have a significant impact on the person and professional "under construction". This project will allow students to enhance their skills, increase their ability to act and react appropriately to new situations, mobilizing and combining the scientific and technical knowledge with innovative behaviors and procedures. To deepen training and mobilization - in addition to the technical skills - a vast range of competences "general and transferable", able to be applied in any context (technical, methodological, organizational framework, interpersonal and behavioral) , are aims to reach.To contribute to the development of more prepared students for the demands and challenges of local, regional and global market - decisive aspect in the current context - is one of the main impacts we expect. As a school, we want to form entrepreneur citizens, promoters of the inclusion and critical sense. The active participation in European projects will strongly promote this openness to others, to Europe and to the World.

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3 Partners Participants