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Solidia low CO2 cement : from cement production to precast industry (SOLID LIFE)
Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The cement industry is energy intensive and produces significant quantities of greenhouse gases. It accounted for 2-2.5 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions in 2013, or 6.5% of the estimated total worldwide anthropogenic emissions of 37 gigatonnes (source: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency). Some 60% of the CO2 emissions in cement manufacturing are generated during the high temperature transformation of limestone, a process known as ‘decarbonation’. The EU has set itself a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and a long-term goal of reducing emissions by 80-95% by 2050. Aware of the environmental impacts, cement producers have already taken major measures to reduce cement production-related CO2 emissions, However, such approaches are reaching their limits. The industry must develop new products and technologies that mitigate CO2 emissions in order for it to meet the requirements of EU climate change mitigation policy and to contribute to the transition towards a low emission and climate-resilient economy. Objectives The SOLID LIFE project aims to demonstrate that it is feasible to produce low-emission cement and concrete products at industrial scale in existing industrial installations. The new products will have equivalent cost, superior performance and a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional Portland cement within existing industrial installations. This new products will make use of a low-calcite and non-hydraulic binder called Solidia, which has been under development by the project beneficiary since 2013 and subject to testing in Germany, Hungary and the USA. The project aims to validate the CO2 savings observed at laboratory scale, through pilot-scale and industrial trials in real cement production facilities, and then in precasting facilities requiring adapted curing chambers with CO2 input. The project also aims to increase stakeholders’ awareness of the potential emissions reductions and climate action benefits, in line with European policy targets. Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results: The successful production of 10 000 tonnes of good quality Solidia cement at industrial plants using similar raw materials to those used for conventional cements (pilot tests of between five and eight new cement recipes); The Solidia cement will be tested in industrial-scale concrete precast applications to validate environmental, technical and economic properties; Expected benefits for the precaster industry include faster strength acquisition (the same resistance level after one day of curing as after 28 days for Ordinary Portland Cement, avoidance of efflorence (white aspect on surface of cement) and the ability to indefinitely reuse all waste concrete (prior to carbonation) because no hydration reaction occurs with the new binder; A 70% reduction in CO2 emissions; A communication strategy targeting the cement production chain, the general public and policymakers. Targeted audiences will be informed about the new method of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry; and The commercial rollout of cement produced using the Solidia binder as part of broader efforts to support CO2 reduction planning within the European Union.

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