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Solidarity and multicultural cooperation in international dialogue creation among young people.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Solidarity and multicultural cooperation in international dialogue creation among young people" is an international project that integrates the youth from Belgium, Moldova, Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The leader of the project is KNSE "Projekt Europa" from the University of Wroclaw. The experienced group of students from this scientific circle has already successfully organised a youth mobility project called "Promotion of European Union qualities and international dialogue among young people" in Georgia (September 2015). Again, as last year, Technische Universitaet Chemnitz will be a partner organization. Young people from University of Wroclaw once again would like to take part of the non-formal education and mobility activities included in this project. Five counties, five different cultures, five groups of active and ambitious young people will cooperate in the framework of this project. It will include three parts: organising the trip to Moldova, the mobility of the participants to Moldova and sharing conclusions of the results of the project.The main goal of the project is to encourage young people from EU and Eastern Partnership countries to be active participants of the democratic life among youth. People with fewer economic, cultural and geographical opportunities will also take a part in the project.The cooperation between the young people with different backgrounds and cultures will give them a possibility to raise their qualifications, to share and exchange their own experience and also to break all the stereotypes and barriers. Regarding the aforementioned advantages, the participants will make their best to keep a gender balance and also to respect the cultural identity of each nationality.All the participants will promote EU values, such as: tolerance, peace and solidarity. The aim of the project is to promote the benefits of the cultural diversity in Europe, to support the multicultural dialogue and also to stimulate young people to participate actively. Actions will increase the awareness of youth, their involvement in the democratic political life (mainly among young people from Moldova and Ukraine) and increase the number of their initiatives.The participants will cooperate all the time by providing new information about their cultures and making stronger the sense of European identity. The important aspect of this project will be the labour market for young people – their chances and problems.They will have the possibility to find out how the labour market is in different countries and to improve their knowledge about the labour market in EU. A workshop will be organized to teach the participants how to write a CV in Europass format anf give them the practical tools for job searching. They will also improve their soft and interpersonal skills and also the ability of the cooperation in a group, of quick action in crisis situations and creative thinking by playing the simulation and city games.The main language of communication will be English, what will improve their foreign language skills. This will improve their job opportunities. Furthermore, by organising the project the participants will be able to improve their management and consensus seeking skills.The aim of the project are consistent with the Strategy 2020- especially in terms of education and youth mobility, by promoting the recognition of informal learning and non-formal and to facilitate the access of young people to the european labor market.It is also in accordance with the EU Strategy for youth for 2010-2018 and the Social Agenda of 2008- youth is one of the main priority areas for European Union.The two groups, from Poland and Germany, know from the previous experience that the main effect of such youth mobility projects increase the participants activity in the democratic life. That's why this edition of the youth mobility project will help to improve the relationship between countries and to promote the sense of solidarity. The "spillover effect" is expected in the end of the project: youth who took part in the project will be more active and creative on different areas and also will encourage others to take part of non-formal education and mobility projects in the future.
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