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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASSOCIATION ISFAP is located in Avignon, South of France. It’s main and daily activity is to enhance employability of higher graduates (for instance French BTS) of the tertiary sector (business and trade, management, administration). Having noticed that some of these graduates are either seeking for additional professional experience or struggling for access to employment, due to a lack of differentiating advantages (compared to other candidates) or ignorance of the economic world, the ASSOCIATION ISFAP has become notably aware of the need to provide these candidates innovative experiments with real added value. It is therefore supporting and coordinating this project "SOIS MOBILE SANS DECROCHER" (“Be mobile and don’t give up”). The project has a dual objective: - To allow candidates (sometimes failing on the labor market) to undertake an innovative, motivating project, which highly expand their professional and interpersonal skills (required in the working world). - To allow, by symmetry, these professional structures, when the candidates come back, to "benefit" of these courageous applicants who had accepted to take risks and develop new skills during three months in another European country. Participants therefore passed a professional higher diploma from the tertiary sector, looking for mobility in companies where English is predominantly used,together with an exchange of practices dealing with sectors they made their specialty (business, management, administration). Participants will primarily come from Avignon area and PACA Region, where we operate. This priority is related to the communication for the promotion of this project that we will first undertake on these areas. However, if applications from other regions come to us and are in line with the criteria of this project, they would also be considered. This program aims to support 30 candidates towards insular territories (10 per destination: UNITED KINGDOM, IRELAND, MALTA), which will be an exceptional placement with varied specificities, providing at the same time a field of discoveries and personal, professional and linguistic multiple learnings. The characteristics of isolation and long distance spot, but also the strong personalities of these island states are attractive factors for candidates. Indeed, for these islands as well as for PACA Region, tourism structure the economic activity turned towards trade and services. Participants to this program may, during this placement: - put into practice and increase knowledge already acquired during their studies. According to their training and professional experience they can work for example in shops, hotels, marketing services (business profiles), or any type of administrative structure (accounting, management profiles) - improve their command of English, which will be practiced in professional situations and in everyday life - increase their cultural and personal expertise, explore other ways of thinking or doing things and initiate new contacts. Participants will gain new advantages for accessing to employment. They will benefit their future employers (or their own business, if that was their plan) of these new understandings and practices (practice of their profession in a foreign country, English, development of a new network abroad ...). The ASSOCIATION ISFAP has set up a monitoring process for the candidates from the initial contact until they come back from the internship: information, application form, interview, working out on job search tools in English (CV, cover letter), administrative and linguistic preparation of the placement. We chose partners for each destination, which after Skype or/and phone interview with candidates, will be in charge of selecting and offering hosting and training solutions. These partners will be in charge of the monitoring and the mentoring of the placement and the accommodation. All respective commitments are finalized in a written contract before starting the internship. The global monitoring is done by a Mobility Referent (RM) in the ASSOCIATION ISFAP and overseen by a steering committee. Our experience since 2011 on the LEONARDO PLM MOBILITY PROGRAMME enables us to have a certain control of the several mobility aspects. As a long-term objective, the ASSOCIATION ISFAP with ERASMUS +, intends to join the fight against young higher graduates unemployment and help them to access in a perennial way to employment, sharing new benefices with their employers. With this courageous, formative and valuable experience, trainees will appropriate themselves the assertion of René Char, famous poet from Avignon's region : "we merely and rightly fight for causes that we model personally and with which we get burned in identifying ourselves ".
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3 Partners Participants