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Socially Aware, collaboRative, scAlable Coding mEdia distributioN (SARACEN)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The rapid progress in hardware/software media technologies has changed the role of individuals from passive content consumers to active content creator/producers. It is clear that in a few years everyone will be multimedia content producer (by publishing digital pictures, video recordings, remote e-health services, home surveillance, etc.), multimedia content mediator (by storing/forwarding streaming content) and multimedia content consumer (digital television, video on demand, mobile broadcasting and alike).Within such environment, collaborative, social /context aware and scalable media distribution is required for a) maintaining the integrity and quality of delivered multimedia content, b) optimizing the quality of experience in a way of delivering truly personalized high Quality of Experience (QoE) media streaming services, c) adapting and enriching the quality of media across the whole distribution chain.
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