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Socializing Tourism, integrated training course for social tourism
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

SoTo answers to the growing interest of different actors regarding the theme of social tourism, and tries to implement the general principle of “right to tourism for all”, especially in this moment of crisis in which local territory and community are experiencing a decrease in touristic incomes, along with strong economic and occupational losses. New and innovative actions for touristic hosting will offer local community an additional tool for territorial brand valorisation, very important in this moment of crisis when tourism is becoming a luxury for many. Given the lack of training paths on this issue the aim is to create a user friendly training model addressed both to touristic operators and social entrepreneurs, to private and public local actors in the field of tourism.SoTo will develop a training model which will be implemented through lessons along with “job shadowing” and project works for the creation of touristic personalized services package for tourists with new needs. Also a certification system will be developed in accordance with EU rules, certifying these new professional skills. To achieve these products SoTo will edit a state of art analysis, collect good training practices on the topic, and assess training needs through focus groups involving 90 stakeholders in the 6 partners’ countries. This will lead to the development of the training and certification model tested in 6 piloting training activities in each participating country, involving in sum 90 trainees.Thanks to the feedback collected the training path and the certification system will be finalized in a manual available in 7 languages. SoTo will be disseminated by bean of a multilingual website and a Facebook page, 4 media events, a midterm and final transnational conference, and will be exploited through the signing of 20 letters of agreement with VET organisations, mainstreaming round tables, workshops and further translations in 4 languages.
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  •   313 717,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

7 Partners Participants