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SOcial Skills Trainer - New Qualification for European Teachers
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Background:The SOS.NET project will address the problem of lack of systematic social competence training programmes at secondary education level in 5 European countries - Portugal, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. The consortium's motivation to work on bringing TEACHERS into the role of SOFT SKILLS TRAINERS is based on national observations of each partner, experience from 2 European projects in the field and the EC draft progress report on ET 2010. Outcomes:The project will create the necessary pedagogical and didactic materials to support teaching staff in ensuring sustainable development of pupils' soft skills. Teachers and pupils will be supported in the training process by a user-friendly online diagnostic tool for measuring the level of soft competences. In addition 60 teachers from all partner countries will be trained to implement the soft skills training materials. The trained specialists will conduct pilot trainings of 1000 pupils. The project's website - open learning platform will contribute for establishing a European learning community among teachers interested in exchanging good methods and practices in soft competences training of pupils. Impact:*Short term: ->Schools in partner countries will have at their disposal quality pedagogic and didactic know-how in their national language to implement soft skills training of pupils by themselves;*Long term: -> The number of school teachers certified as Soft Skills trainer will rise;-> The number of pupils with good soft skills will be increased and respectively their chances for better integration in society as professionals and citizens;-> National policy makers will realize the need to implement reforms to sustain soft skills training at school.

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