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Social Media for Business
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The basis for this project is to offer learners an opportunity to gain valuable European work experience in Spain within the field of Social Media for Business. It also provides a platform for learners to enhance their language skills and develop a cultural understanding that will help them become more mobile within Europe in their future careers. The project will benefit employers hosting learners through enhanced awareness of the benefits of social media tools, both from the learners’ previous experience and the knowledge they will acquire from the City and Guilds Qualification in Social Media for Business they will undertake as an integral part of this project. The objectives of the project are to support the aspirations of learners by providing them with new skills and work experience, thereby assisting them in moving into future employment in the Social Media for Business sector both in the UK and across Europe. The project will also enable participants to develop their linguistic skills and cultural awareness, both essential abilities to access employment within the European market. The project partnerships consist of a number of employers from Spain who are looking to expand or improve their social media functions. Through hosting learners, these organisations will benefit from enhanced knowledge and social media presence helping to improve their business impact. Capacity London, as the sending organisation, aims to increase its organisational capability to run, disseminate and evaluate mobility placements in Europe through participation in this project. A total number of 30 learners and 3 Accompanying Persons will take part in this project, split into three project cycles of three months duration each. We anticipate that participants will be from one of three main groups of learners who will have come through the Social Media for Business Qualification, run by Capacity London or another training provider. 1) Young people with a keen interest in social media taking a more traditional vocational training route rather than higher education. These will have limited work experience. 2) Learners undertaking vocational training to update or enhance their current skillset, perhaps to change their career. These might be self-employed people wanting to increase their employability through a deeper knowledge of the fast moving field of social media. 3) People with a background in other industries who recognise that social media is now a mainstream skill, applicable across employment sectors. The project activities are split into pre-departure actions carried out by Capacity London including management of the recruitment process and the running of a preparatory training week in London which will equip learners for living and working in Spain. Language training will enable participants to negotiate day-to-day interactions and cultural preparation will provide knowledge of their host country and region. Participants will typically depart the UK on a Friday immediately following their preparatory training in London, giving them the weekend in their host country for orientation around their local area. The first week of the placement will be mainly arrival information and induction into the workplace. Activities will be designed to deal with any apprehension participants may feel on commencing their placements or living in a new country. During this week a comprehensive learning plan and agreement will be created between the learner and the hosting employer, facilitated by the learner’s workplace mentor. Weeks 2-5 will typically consist of the learner shadowing key members of staff, getting to understand the organisation, observing social media activity and identifying areas where they can get involved and eventually take responsibility. From this, a programme of main activities will be tailored to each participant’s needs, guided by their learning agreement and corresponding to the three key themes in their learning outcomes; vocational, general employability and linguistic and cultural learning. The results and impacts envisaged from the project include a distinct improvement in the future employability of learners on completion of their placement through their enhanced social media knowledge and international work experience. Companies in Spain hosting learners will benefit from raised awareness of the benefits of social media to their business, increased online presence and engagement and a better awareness of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus Plus programme. Overall improved organisational capacity will lead to opportunities for professional development for Capacity London staff as well as enhancing future training offering to learners. Potential future UK employers will also benefit from better qualified and experienced candidates for jobs as well as links with host employers via the learners. Furthermore other training providers can learn about and get involved Erasmus Plus.
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5 Partners Participants