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Social Media Bridges
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the context of current European youth unemployment it is crucial that young people and social workers are aware of all tools available around them to carry out their own ideas and become (social) entrepreneurs through the use of social media tools. The main objective of this training is to strengthen the entrepreneurial attitude of the participants and convey the idea that becoming entrepreneurs, exploiting their own projects using media, is absolutely possible and feasible. The project involves 21 participants from 9 different countries (Greece,Italy,Spain,Germany,Austria,Poland,Lituania,Rumania and UK). Each partner organization will send 2 participants, including 6 participants with fewer opportunities due to their economic, social or geographic situation. Participants should be social workers or volunteers who are motivated to learn from social media tools, who have proved their commitment with social projects. The participants must be willing to exert multiplier results and implement them in their local communitis, to disseminate and provoque a real impact in young people lifes. The activities are based in non formal education methods. The trainers will enhance the participants' tools to go deeper into their own possibilities and exploit strengths to become entrepreneurs using their own ideas. An atmosphere of creativity and trust will be created during the training to work in a safe environment where sharing will be easy. This Training is originally inspired by The Digital Participation Camp (DPC) which aims at creating an active international network of digital innovators, social entrepreneurs, designers, developers and content creators to unite skills and work together on digital projects for social good. The European counter part "Social media Bridges" will be implemented along with the program of the Digital Participation Camp in Münster in order to give a chance to social workers and commited and active youngsters to create social awareness and improve their entrepreneurial skills through Social Media Tools. Bringing together digital innovators, social entrepreneurs, designers and campaigners from around the globe, participants will have them as mentors and as inspiration. Participants who would be already working with social media or absolutely interested in the topic as tool to create social change. Trainers, designers, entrepreneurs, project managers and others will serve as mentors to the participants and give feedback and advice everytime. Particularly in times of crisis there are products or services suddenly viable, that no other time could have been sold in the economic market due to a change of society circumstances. That crisis often provoques inequalities and unfair situations which can be defeated with social media tools. The training will empower participants to create and spread the word about their projects using social media. The training will be based team building sessions, workshops to enhance creativity and idea design workshops. Participants will finish the training knowing how to design their website, having understood the basics of shooting videos and cutting movies, and having created a huge networking for future projects around Europe. Their entrepreneriall skills will be increased by different workshops which will make participants reflect on their own potential and skills. The purpose is to explote the participant's ideas, to build up groups who would like to work in common projects and to come up with a final result after a 10 days training, We expect inspiring results which will be practical connected to a visible project and a learning outcome for every participant alike. As a final element of the training there will be an event called the "Summit" in which participants will present their final results from the projects they worked on during the training to the local community in an organized event with the support of the municipality of Münster. A Lipdub will be created by participants and will be shown during the Summit. The Social Media Bridges Summit will take together with the DPS (Digital Participation Summit - Both events, together with different project's presentations, will create a social and local impact without precedents. Results will be shared with the local community and will also bring spread the project results and the entrepreneurial spirit created in the event to the local community. There will also be a stand lead by The Global Experience to inform citizens about the new Erasmus+ Program and its opportunities. About the diffusion and multiplier effect, we will have special sessions focused on preparing materials for dissemination. The purpose is to prepare compilation of photos, a video about the project and press releases as well as posts for various blogs in which all activities from the training will be displayed. Youth workers act as multipliers by materials which The Global Experience will deliver.
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8 Partners Participants