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Social Media and Young People in the Digital Age
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Social Cooperative Serengis promotes a Youth Exchange in the field of KA1 - Partner Countries titled “Social Media and Young People in the Digital Age”. It will gather young people from 6 Partner Countries, from Italy, Spain, Russian Federation, Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Each country will be represented by 6 participants and 1 Group Leader. Venue of youth exchange will be in Messina (Italy) from 30 november to 6 December 2016. The main aim of this project is to encourage active participation of young people, through non formal activities, in the debate of Social Media and the use of new technologies between young people and the consequent process of social life in the digital age. Participants will have chance to work and spend time together, to learn about each others cultures, to share and to break down personal and cultural barriers. The project wants to feel positive benefits of participation and inclusion, to increase mobility of young people and to develop young people's citizenship and mutual understanding. The working methods are includes in the context of non-formal education that permits the youngsters to express themselves in creative and personal ways. These topics require not only formal knowledge, but also the reflection about values and attitudes. Young people will discover these topics through outdoor activities, ice breaking, press conference, Role playing, activities for interaction with local community, discussions, concrete actions, interactive workshops, presentations, multicultural events, integration games presentations proposed by each country, international nights, Energizer, moments of debate and discussion, workshops conducted with interactive method, daily evaluation in order to obtain feedback and reflections, icebreaker, Cooperation Games, Open Space Technology, Role Playing, Seminar, Comparison, Brainstorming, Creative Laboratory, exchanges of good practices, working Group, Networking and Planning for the future.Will be realized a final product that is materialized in a Video Investigation that shows the situation of young people and Social Media and summarize the results of the project.

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5 Partners Participants