European Projects
Social media and beyond it
Social media and beyond it
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
Social media has a significant role in the life of the European youth, it’s a fact. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn just some examples.These channels have a powerful influence to the young people. Do you really need these kind of media? Can you live without them in this digital life?We think, no. Social media is needed. We cannot avoid not to use them in a basic skill level every day. At the same time we want to draw young people's attention to the fact that there is life outside the virtual space (eg. family, sports). Lots of people cannot use them safely and utilize their possibilities just drifting on the surface, they do not overlook the deep, spending time with them.Our aim is to young people be able to identify and discuss among themselves the constructive and the destructive power of social media, recognize the limitations, disadvantages. However, they learn how to use them during the everyday life.During the exchange we separate the social media and discuss which one is better for what purpose (find friends – Facebook, find job – LinkedIn).We examine the impacts of social media in different ages and which part of them worth to build in the everyday life (school groups, own pages, enterprise management, promotion).We draw the attention to the threats (virus, spammer, false identity abusers) and how to recognize, filter and defend them.The mainly disadvantages participants (5 participants +1 group leader) come from five countries (Romania, Italy, Luxembourg, Croatia, Hungary) to visit Debrecen city (in North Plain Region) to discuss the power of social media and its uses.