Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SEE partnership developed in part from a previous Comenius multilateral project and from an eTwinning website partner search, to establish a balance between experience, fresh ideas and a variety of cultural and educational backgrounds. The plan to create a platform where students will set up a social enterprise company, will raise awareness of business opportunities across Europe & develop the necessary skills for employment using face-to-face or video conferencing interviews, visits to relevant companies/organisations, surveys etc. After consultation across the three schools it has been decided to work on a theme of Healthy Lifestyle for the social enterprise company. Each school will head up a department of the SE company with a board of management involving student leaders and staff from each department/school., so that discussions, research, meetings and activities will be continuously interdependent and transnational. As well as looking at enterprise both commercial and social, with their relevant aims, the project will raise awareness of entrepreneurship skills for those who chose to be self-employed. In this way students and staff will have a clearer idea of the whole process of enterprise learning and adopting this in a practical environment - creating ideas, team work, implementation, monitoring progress & assessing effectiveness & dissemination. With a developed sense of the different types of enterprise and therefore employment opportunities, students in particular will gain a greater knowledge base from which to pursue their future careers in the wider European market. Each partner school will research a particular type of enterprise locally & compare with similar enterprises in the other three countries, depending on the focus and priority as the project develops. During mobilities the host school/company will organise an Enterprise Fair and project Exhibition where they will invite speakers from a local/international business and employers' organisations such as Chamber of Commerce, and social & commercial entrepreneurs to speak about their companies, the skills, qualifications and cultural differences. In this way the company, SEE, would build up a data base about the skills, qualifications & workforce in all 3 partners countries, through the initial research carried out to lead into the functions of the Social Enterprise project based on Healthy Lifestyle. On another level, students could use the links with partner companies/organisations to learn how to prepare themselves for interview and record role plays where they show how to and how not to prepare. As a social enterprise company, involved in charitable work dealing with the socially disadvantage, unemployed, the elderly etc. it will also highlight how one can reconcile ethics & commercialism particularly in market research on Healthy Eating - again providing students with a choice of future career paths. During the interactions between schools staff will learn about adapting teaching methods which are more in line with the world of future business through videos, interviews & teacher team work and positive and controlled use of ICT/social networking as developed by the students eg. blogs, Skype, email and video-conferencing. On a practical level students will collaborate to produce a company logo, a mission statement, to discuss company policies, and where necessary to produce video clips on these - e.g. hiring, training and firing employees. Apart from the Enterprise Fairs they will also organise on-line debates about the value of an ethical focus in both social and commercial businesses taking into account local culture and background. Where possible students will also tailor their work experience placements which is part of the school curriculum, to feed into the project so that everyone gains from these experiences. The activities will be planned over 24 months including setting up a project website to showcase the development of the project, operating regularly on Twinspace to record the outcomes of meetings and discussions. Each mobility would involve 3 schools with approx. 12 students and 2 teachers from each visiting school visiting a host school for a period of 10 days and during that time there will be events such as workshops, interview and career surgeries, opportunities to share expertise and upgrade skills. Included in the programme will be an opportunity to effect some charity work (social enterprise) for disadvantaged people, workshops, visits to local/national enterprises, interview techniques, mock interviews etc
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