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Social Agents Promoting Active Aging through ICT

This project is aimed at transferring the developed, tested and successful innovative methodology from the former project “Mayores con Iniciativa”, led by Fundetec at the national level. This methodology is mainly aimed at empowering social agents working with senior citizens to promote the eInclusion of the latter through the ICT-based development of their concrete interests and demands. In other words, it is not about teaching them how to use ICT but about making them understand that ICT can be a powerful, useful and helpful mean to achieve their objectives, develop their interest, activate their social participation and of course their active aging and inclusion into the Information and Knowledge Society, unfortunately often out of reach for them due to the lack of skills, resources and specialized facilitators (= social agents in this case).Social agents must also perceive ICT and 2.0 tools as friendly resources to be used in the social inclusion and activation of senior citizens and in the effective and innovative promotion of “mental” active aging. Neither social agents, nor senior citizens must be left out of this powerful and innovative approaches and it is the goal of this project avoiding that to happen. The already existing commitment and active work of the consortium partners in the adults and professionals training field, as well as in the promotion of active aging, using ICT as main tool for both activities, makes them the right ones to take up the baton of this methodology in their territories. ACTing is a two-year project funded by the European Commission (National Spanish Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme) led by Fundetec.The five partners involved in its implementation and dissemination are: Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Italy), Association for Life Long Learning in Rural Areas (Romania), Fundetec (Spain), Fundacion Esplai (Spain) and ICVolunteers (Switzerland).

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4 Partners Participants