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Sobremesa Food Fusion
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sobremesa - Food Fusion is the youth exchange project, that will bring together youth from Spain and Slovenia and 4 accompanying group leaders, aimed to bring about individuals from different cultures to learn about unity in diversity through this project where the theme will be creativity in cooking and in life, culture, healthy eating habbits and healthy lifestyles through non-formal learning and experience sharing. Sobremesa will last 7 days which will involve seminars from motivational speakers every day, interactive activities and workshops (games, debates, quizzes etc.), through which participants can improve on their core skills and help with their personal development as well as doing voluntary work in the community to help improve the local area.Why is the project named so? The phrase “Sobremesa,” literally means "over the table", has no precise English translation, perhaps because there is no cultural equivalent. Sobremesa is the leisurely time after we have finished eating, but before we get up from the table. Time spent in conversation, digesting, relaxing, enjoying, talking to other people at the table. Sharing experience. Certainly not rushing. Not reserved for weekends -though it can be longest on Sundays- even weekday and business meals have sobremesa. We have chosen this as theme of the project as one of the trainings will take place in Spain and it is a nice ethnological expression of Spanish way of loving exchanges among friends and family.The venue for the Sobremesa - Food Fusion will be in Malaga, Spain. The youth will learn about how they can come together to combat prejudices, exchange knowledge and learn from each other based on common interests. The theme of the youth exchange is how a simple thing as food intake,when being prepared consciosly, can be used to unite one another and learn how we can be happy and healthy by addressing our true needs. The aim of this project is to bring together youth from different cultures to educate them about the unity in diversity that exists today through common interests. This will be done through helping participants realize the common goals that we all have for example what we are looking for in life in happiness. Young people can be particularly inspired and reach their potentials if they have a focus for what they want and we want to help them achieve their potential.The objectives of the project are:1. To create an awareness and appreciation of different cultures. Sobremesa - Food Fusion is designed in such a way to help participants learn about the different cultures and the similarities that exist amongst different type of people.2. Intercultural learning for participants about sustainable ways of living, especially in the long term. This is one of the reasons we chose the venue in suburb of Malaga, since the ethos of the centre is focused on sustainable living. 3. To help youth realize their potential and open their minds to the great impact they can have on world and help them become active citizens and prepare them for European Citizenship.4. To promote a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating as well daily practice of sports, yoga and meditation. 5. To create an inter-cultural and culinary exchange between Spain and Slovenia.The long term effect will be about how the youth can give back to the community. After the exchange activities, all partner organisations will hold a public event in their respective countries where the results of project will be shown (photo and video diary of the project, presentations by leaders and participants on subjects learned at exchange, presentations of physical and character improvement of participants etc.). On this events local stakeholders (youth NGOs and other educational and youth-working organisations, local municipality) and media will be invited for purpose of further dissemination of the project. The project presents an opportunity for the youth of two countries to learn about other cultures and languages as well how we can come together to serve as a community.
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1 Partners Participants