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SMP ir IRT kūrybingas taikymas pamokose tarpdalykinio integravimo principais
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school is constantly seeking the modernization of education, education management and pedagogical development. We believe that the project "Creative Implementation of DLT and ICT for Interdisciplinary Integration" will help to contribute to our school goals. 10 different subject teachers and administration representatives will observe the work of the partner institution, which has valuable experience in management, the use of ICT and DLT in the educational process, especially in foreign languages and subject integration. Having been familiar with the Czech experience, we will improve EMILE program implementation in our school (we will start teaching new subjects in a foreign language, improve our school subject methods and inspire students' motivation to choose the program). Also, we will want to know how partners use ICT and DLT in the educational process: what tools and training they use as well as their ICT integration skills. The teachers will get acquainted with the latest teaching methods that will help to modernize the education process at our institution. 5 teachers will go on training courses in different countries where they will improve their ICT skills and learn to create their own teaching materials using ICT and DLT. The teachers will learn about the latest ICT and DLT tools and programs. They will observe how creatively and effectively to use the information and communication technologies in education. The teachers having acquired more experience will use ICT and DLT more varied in the educational process. The school methodological groups will create their blogs. In the project activities it will be involved not only the teachers having international project development and management experience but also other initiative teachers who wish to improve. Participation in mobility will be a great opportunity to improve not only their teaching subject competences but also communicative and intercultural competences, which have recently become important for all subject teachers. The project will promote teamwork, interdisciplinary integration, meaningful cooperation of the school community as well as it will help to implement the school goals and objectives. Participation in the project will bring new ideas, dynamism to the school and openness to the world.

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