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Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Intersection of a healthy lifestyle and conservation of traditions in today's society encourages people to listen: whether they need to refuse the traditional cuisine of the country in order to stay healthy or maybe it is worth to adapt national dishes to healthy nutrition. Young people, being constantly in a hurry, do not give prominence to the necessity for a healthy lifestyle, until they have serious health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to stop and examine both the rules of a healthy nutrition and different traditional European cuisines, try to find a balance between them. The aim of the project – searching for the synthesis of healthy food and traditional dishes, going deep into the principles of healthy eating and discovering the possibilities to adapt national dishes to healthier ones. The project involves groups of young people from 4 countries ( 6 young people aged 16 to 20 years old and the leader of the group ) to present every country‘s traditional dishes and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. All the participants of the project are expected to be aware of their country‘s traditional food production characteristics and be able to share experiences and knowledge about healthy lifestyles, presenting their national cuisine food samples. The participants will introduce their traditional cuisine heritage to each other, will try to find appropriate participating countries‘ dishes and learn to produce them. Photographing and describing prepared dishes the participants will make a joint cookery book which reveals the synthesis of healthy food and traditional cuisines as part of their cultural heritage. Two evenings will be devoted to the production of every country‘s specific dishes, their evaluation and searching for the equivalents to healthy nutrition principles. Excursions will be organized to the specific sites of cultural heritage. Much attention will be paid to the formation of the group, activities of intercultural dialogue, project evaluation and reflection. Different methods are included into the project: learning through activities and practice; discussions; group work; educational activities; open educational resources; visual assessment and reflection techniques; creative games. Youth leisure centre is able to manage the project – to plan and coordinate the activities, administer public purchases, accomplish administrative processes, prepare financial and operational reports. Expected outcomes of the project are finding the principles of healthy nutrition in other countries‘ culinary heritage, their adaptation to traditional dishes; the cookery book ( with the prospect of it to add new dish samples); strengthening of international relations among the participating youth organizations. The project aims to promote youth initiatives, include young people with fewer possibilities into active community life, enhance cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

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