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Smerom k profesionalite
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school, Saint Nicholas Elementary and Secondary Grammar School in Prešov is a public allowance organization, which has legal personality. It was founded by the Catholic Church – The Archdiocese of Košice. Our students are provided with advanced English Language, Mathematics and Natural Science studies, with an opportunity to choose other foreign languages. Our talented students realize themselves in the cooperation with universities.The aim of our project „Towards proficiency“ is to gain teaching and technical experience abroad, to improve English language teaching by implementing more effective methods and systems and by introducing innovations into the teaching process. First of all, we would like to motivate our students at primary level, to deepen the quality and proficiency of teaching English in higher grades, to improve learning results and awareness of the European project and to prepare the students for international projects at a high level.When it comes to the teachers, we expect an increase in the quality of the work and activities organized for the students, a better ability to fulfil the needs of disadvantaged people and young people with a lack of opportunities, a better understanding and ability to react to the social, language and cultural variety of the students and to improve intercultural awareness.We plan to delegate 5 pedagogists of ours to participate in the programme. We chose the delegates with regard to the needs of our school, to its future development and growth so that it will keep pace with modernization and the latest teaching trends in English language. For the course Secondary CLIL in Cheltenham, UK, we chose the teacher who has previous experience with teaching Geography through CLIL and who has elaborated worksheets for students learning Geography in English. The teacher who focuses on the work with older students and the students preparing for GCSE will attend the course Creative Activities and Motivating for the Secondary Classroom in Gloucester, UK. Another chosen teacher, who is also a leading teacher for primary education in The Archdiocese of Košice and has the best experience with the work at primary level and international internships, will take part in the course Language and Practical Methodology at Primary level in Portsmouth, UK. The course Pronunciation and Storytelling in Cambridge, UK, will be attended by the teacher who mostly works with the students with special needs in the elementary school. She helps them master pronunciation, which is one of the major problems during learning English. We have chosen the course Teaching activities and Stimulating Materials on British Life and Culture for Secondary English Classes in Chelmsford in the UK for the teacher who leads extra-curricular activities with older students and co-organizes regular monthly activities of the English section focused on life and culture in the English speaking countries.Three people are responsible for the preparation of the project. They are also responsible for the project administration, they keep the participants informed about the program, they are monitoring the participants and their tasks. They also have the experience with such a project in the past. We expect improvements in our English language and thus better and more efficient use of the existing language during lessons, we want to increase pupils ´motivation for learning English.Thanks to the international participation in the courses, we are expecting to establish contacts, material and knowledge sharing, in the field of teaching English within the European Union for further cooperation in K2 and eTwinning for cooperation on school scientific projects and mobility of pupils, students and teachers.At the same time we would like to broaden the horizons and the possibility for further development of our school through other programs offered through Erasmus +In the next school year, we plan to incorporate CLIL to teaching natural sciences and social subjects at secondary level and grammar school, we want to enrich the section of English literature in the school library with new original English titles. Once a month, we want to organize an English Mass, days of British and American culture and to introduce a traditional English movie afternoon. All the participants will arrange training for other teachers in our school.They will prepare workshops and seminars, presenting it not only within our school but also throughout the Košice Archdiocese, the methodological days, which is an annually organized activity for all schools of the Archdiocese. We will create a regional forum on our Facebook profile of our school that will serve to disseminate the information gathered and also for the exchange of teaching experience.Our school expects to enhance its respect within the Slovak education system and that the success of our graduates will increase and support the pride of the teachers for their school.
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