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Smart Technologies for Transport Safety - Innovation Cluster Nesting (SMART-NEST)
Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the proposed project is to establish a European-level vibrant training environment in a rapidly emerging research field at the crossroads of structural engineering and smart technologies. The participants link up their cross-sectoral expertise to support their researchers in pursuing an interdisciplinary career and to provide them with a cohesive training environment. The proposed project:--- in terms of the end product investigates, designs and develops a new class of semi-actively controlled smart structures, which are impact- or vibration-resistant, capable of preserving integrity in critical conditions under unpredictable loads and of post-accident self-diagnosis;--- in terms of the methodology, aims at investigating new, semi-active strategies for optimum structural adaptation, which requires exploring techniques for system identification, model updating and load identification;--- in terms of the technology, explores and applies promising smart technologies for (i) semi-active structural control and adaptation and (ii) robust self-diagnosis.Strong interdisciplinarity of the research and training programme is implied by the need for integration and implementation of knowledge, techniques and technologies scattered among various disciplines. The project is based on in-depth studies in system identification and model updating, proceeds to identification of dynamic loads, a prerequisite for optimum strategies for semi-active structural adaptation to unknowns loads. In parallel, relevant smart sensors/actuators, driving electronics and self-diagnosis techniques will be pursued. Finally, respective hardware and model demonstrators will be implemented and evaluated.An important intended effect is fostering inter-sectoral Academia-Industry skills and mobility of the involved researchers. This will lead to a cross-sectoral transfer of knowledge between the participant institutions and increase their success prospects in both sectors.
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5 Partners Participants