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SMART(sustinere, motivare, ajutor, recuperare, tutoriat) pentru toti cei care au nevoie.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The issue of early school abandonment is a national priority in Romania and the entire European Union, clearly stipulated in the Europe 2020 strategy. In Brasov city, 85% of schools deals with this specific situation. For the applicant organization, Remus Radulet Technical College, the issue of reducing absenteeism and early abandonment is of present interest. “Escola Profissional do Montijo” will be the host organization. This institution has been working with disadvantaged students since 1992 and has achieved significant outcomes: the decrease of abandonment rate and the certainty of carrying on in the third level of education. “E.P. do Montijo” turns out to be professional, serious, with expertise, as provider of education for vulnerable groups. This mobility targets to urgent/pressing needs to acquire new SMART competences in order to reduce the absenteeism and early school abandonment, experimented competences, with efficient outcomes from other educational systems. Thus, it is absolutely necessary to acquire knowledge and achieve new well-known procedures of counseling, attraction, motivation and encouragement, techniques of self-esteem development, stimulating the creativity. In addition, there is a need for the exchange of good practices and procedures concerning the working methods and instruments in the field of inclusive education. The main objectives of the project are: -To acquire new knowledge, skills and competences for new inclusive procedures and innovative techniques called SMART (support, motivation, assistance, recovery, tutoring) for students from vulnerable groups; - To improve participants’ abilities to provide professional counselling and orientation; - To improve the new abilities concerning the interpersonal teacher/student/parent relationship; - To identify and use the new common methods/procedures regarding the transnational cooperation to promote the equality of chances in education and professional course through avoiding the social exclusion; - To develop new linguistic competences Thus, on educational level, the students of Remus Radulet Technical College will improve their school results, the number of students attending higher education will increase, the communication abilities and relationships will improve among disadvantaged groups, both within groups and family, the opportunities of school and social insertion will be better, the graduation chances will increase within the frames of compulsory education and the presence rate will rise within the terminal school years. On social level, after the training, the members of the target group will show personal development and progress, they will develop abilities in social progress. The participants will acquire values within the project, which will optimise the interaction between majority and minority groups. They will acquire new knowledge related to alternative ways of living, non-discriminative attitudes. They will value differences and develop creativity, attention and citizenship. The participants will be selected from all forms of education, from primary school teachers to secondary school teachers. There will be selected representatives from all subject departments, in order to ensure on each level the acquirement of new knowledge, skills and competences. The expected outcomes will be expressed also in percentages of reducing school abandonment in order to ensure the project's long-term impact. The participants will achieve the practical competences and abilities in case of dropouts or different disorders. They will use new instruments of occupational therapies(personal autonomy, socializing, cognitive stimuli, increasing self-esteem). This is why it is absolutely necessary to collaborate with European institutions dealing with similar issues-such as counseling, logopedia- to assure a transfer of good practices adaptable to our system, to develop the skills of all teachers from the network. Through dissemination, the participants will be trainers of SMART competences in the field, for the entire county. Working in a new socio-cultural environment means dealing with a new mentality, other values, receptivity to new things. The improvement of communication skills in a foreign language will provide advantages, optimizing the access to information for different documentation instruments. The placement will last 6 working days and will take place in Montijo, Portugal in one flow: 07 october 2015 – 16 october 2015.
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