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Smart school: innovazione metodologica all'insegna dell'internazionalizzazione
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Smart School: methodological innovation in the name of internationalization", developed for declining mobility experiences of school personnel in the main countries of the Euro-Mediterranean, was born in response to the needs of a modern teaching centered on the student and his training needs, both in relation to the recovery paths and / or consolidation of learning, both in relation to the need to satisfy cultural motivations and thematic analysis and research of the students. To this end, in an 'optic of increasing internationalization and modernization of its education system, traditionally suited to the international, and their teaching methodology, the high school identifies in support of a mobility of its school staff, the following priorities: -these paths of teaching and learning, with particular reference to the linguistic process, produced and verified through the use of modern information technology communication, fed by appropriate motivational strategies; -the establishment of teaching-learning paths capable of building cultural horizons even wider acceptance in the international context. The project involves the mobility of 17 units of its staff (16 teachers and one Administrative Director), which will provide appropriate technical and administrative support, through the implementation of 23 actions for cultural exchange and experience-linguistic communication with the Euro-countries (U. K. , Ireland, France, Spain, Germany and Turkey). These experiences are now necessary and indispensable to implement a "good school", which imposes more and more mastery of foreign languages associated with ICT skills. To this end, the profile of participants in the mobility is characterized by their teaching activities in the classes of the three years of high school, where they teach their subject in a foreign language using the CLIL methodology and classes to address International option to French, with ESABAC methodology. Therefore are proposed n. 3 job shadowing activities in partner schools identified in France, Germany and Turkey, and participation in courses of methodological and linguistic-communicative in Spain, France, England and Ireland. The methodology of action research adopted provides: - The preparatory phase with training needs analysis and study of the territory of the host country; - The implementation phase, properly documented and monitored by the project team who will seek to involve the whole group of teachers who share projects - The final phase with the collection, processing, and quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the results achieved, is to be completed with the dissemination of results. In this context, the project will allow an adequate exchange of the curricular experience made. In fact, the activities carried out by the teachers in mobility can only promote the harmonious development of the students’ personality which is enriched through the experience obtained of otherness that finds expression through language and culture "of the other." The experience of this full immersion by teachers further pursues the goal of developing the skills of multilingualism that allows in the students a greater awareness of their own to acquire cultural identity, respect and tolerance towards other people's cultures. Methodologies and teaching strategies used will be mainly characterized by the use of ICT as a medium to promote the professional development of teachers. Thus the experience of mobility will provide a solid base on which to build and organize curricula, reflections on the developments of the disciplines and their teaching tools for the verification of learning, examples and methodological insights.
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