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Smart Methods and Ideas for Learning in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SMILE (Smart Methods and Ideas for Learning in Europe) project originated from an actual need in the five partnerschools. We all tackle similar problems and we all try it our own way. Combining our strengths will lead to better results and faster grow. For this reason our schools are engaged in this endeavour. These major topics we are going to work on are: *) Early School dropout: all partners feel that the school dropout rate in their country/region/school is too high. Lowering this rate at our school, and sharing our best practices to make an overall impact are our aims. *) Individualised learning: Our schools’ mission is to get the best out a every pupil. We think that a more individualised approach on learning can help us reaching this mission. We will develop individualised learning tracks and materials. We will work with pupils within these tracks and measure their results. In the end we will obviously share all experiences and materials. *) Internationalisation: all our schools are convinced that we need to teach our pupils and train our staff in an international context. This will prepare the pupils for a future in a more and more globalising world. And it’ll allow our staff to learn and experience best practices from around the world. Which will enhance the quality of their work. To make all this happen we will first do an investigation into several subjects related to these topics. This should give us a clear overview of where we are now. (baseline measurement) It’ll also allow us to understand differences between our schools and why maybe certain solutions won’t work or just aren’t allowed. As soon as we have these results we can start working on the topics. We will have three project meetings (spread over 3 years) During these meetings we will demonstrate best practices to each other, discuss them, learn from them and work out new plans to implement in our schools. Every six months these topic teams will have formal evaluation meetings online. In the “individualised learning” topic we will also organise long-term learning mobilities for pupils. These are ideal situations where we can create individualised learning tracks. y the end of the project we will have a lot of materials and results which will be publically shared as Open Educational Resources (Best practice book, dropout prevetntation protocol) In our view this project is not an end product but only the beginning of a process where we want to make significant changes in our schools to improve on the topics at hand. Our schools are engaged to keep on working on these topics together, even after the project has ended, as an eTwinning partnership.
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4 Partners Participants