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Smart Grid für das Lernfeld Berufsschule - Intelligente Energieverteilung in der Region Europa
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Key topic of this project „Smart Grid for the learing field of vocational schools – intelligent energy distribution in Europe“ is „Smart Grid“ – the intelligent power grid. This term includes communicative interconnection and control of power producers, the storage of energy, the powersupply of electrical consumers and the providing of means of mains operation for energy transfer and power supply.“Smart Grid“ enables the optimization and monitoring of the parts connected. The main aim is to guarantee the power supply on the basis of an efficient and reliable operation system. These topics have to be integrated in future curricula. Besides the focus is on skillbased curricula and methods of teaching which are fixed by law and should be implemented in vocational schools.Project partners in Vorarlberg are the „Landesberufsschule Bregenz 2“, the „Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG“ (EVU) as well as the „Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg“ (section M.E.T. and V.E.M.). Each participant of this project is involved in apprentices‘ education and training and is faced with the requirments of curricula developement and its practical implementation.Our transnational mobility partners are Germany, Darmstadt, the „Heinrich Emanuel Merck Schule, Czechia, Sokolnice, the „Stredni skola eledtrotochnicke a energeticka“ and Italy, Bozen, the „Landesberufsschule für Handwerk und Industrie“. With all these mobility partners agreements were made and summarized in a Letter of Intent. Precondition for the selection of the partners was the fact that all partners have already included the topic Smart Grid resp. Industry 4.0 in their curricula. By sitting in on classes we want to exchange knowhow and practical implementation in learning fields.For the duration of the project 24 months are planned.The main method is sitting in on classes and guest lecturing at the partner schools as well as at the universities of Darmstadt, Bozen and Brün. The meetings are assigned to establish contacts to the respective chambers of commerce and to exchange on-topic contents (autonomy in energy supply and skill-based curricula)The project participants are assigned to operate as multipliers at their own and other schools and as guest speakers in various establishments.The project results will be published at schools internally via intranet, at the headmasters’ meetings and via local and companies’ magazines.

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5 Partners Participants