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Smaki i aromaty kuchni dietetycznej.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled „The flavours and aromas of diet cuisine” is aimed at 3 year students, being educated to become the technitians of nutrition and gastronomic services in ZSZ in Wołów. The plan of the project is to organize 2 turns of 2-week professional training sessions in gastronomic institutions in Osterode am Harz in Germany in October 2016 and 2017. 32 students from our school are going to participate in the project.Within the project the following actions will be fulfilled: before the start of the training in Germany our students will be trained in the range of professional language, culture and functioning on a German market. The course will be conducted by using active workshop methods.Within the training in gastronomic institutions the students will practice and enhance the key skills for their profession. Upon arrival students will receive the Europass Mobility document as well as the European Language Passport respected and accepted within European Union, confirming the completion of training abroad as well as gained professional and language skills together with the Certificate of Headmaster.The result of the project will be personal development of the students, widening their horizons and learning working style in Germany, which will potentially enlarge their mobility on the domestic as well as European market. As a result of completed training sessions the students will be able to plan and prepare diet dishes, they will acquire the knowledge and skills in planning and organizing work in gastronomic institution, students will know and use proper regulations and sanitary procedures.Students’ ability to learn foreign languages will also be enhanced, they will manage to overcome the barriers of everyday communication. Gained professional experience will influence the level of education of beneficiaries and their competitiveness on the professional market. The potential long-term advantages are: raise of motivation in learning foreign languages among the rest of the students in our school, ongoing cooperation with the partner school, sharing gained knowledge and experience within curricular subjects as well as extra lessons and clubs expanding students’ passion and interests.
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