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Sleep habits in student's performance
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SLEEP AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCES - SHATSU EUROPEAN PROJECT ERASMUS+ What do we want to do? We want to know the sleeping habits in children and teenagers and how it can affect school performance. Why do we want to do it? We know school failure, early school dropout and agressivenes in schools are related to bad sleeping habits, but there are very few studies about it. We want our children to study properly and be happy at home and at chool. We want our children to have a better life and a better future. How do we intend to do it? There will be an initial study to evaluate the initial data referring to sleeping habits among the youngest population in town. An official survey named BEARS will be carried out to give us the a general view of the problem. We will start the project with a presentation in Silla, Valencia, with the attendance of the local associated partners. We will explain the implementation of the project, the creation of APP, website, and guidelines to be followed by all the associated partners so that they can do the same in their home towns. Online training courses will be held for teachers and parents who will have to implement the project at school and at home. Students will take part on a one-day-seminar so that they can get involved in the project as one of the main parts. Communication resources will be created (e-mail, facebook, blogs...) so that children and young students, teachers and parents can discuss and share their experiences during the project and especially during the training process. We will deliver a guide about SHASTU project to all participants involved. There will be informative leaflets for the population in town. Dissemination through local, regional and national media. European platforms will also be used for broadcasting and diseminating the project. We will organise visits to the towns where our associated partners come from to share the experience of implementing the project. There will be a very strict follow-up work and there will be a final survey in order to compare the results obtained at the beginning of the project and at the end of it. The expected local impact is to achieve the maximum dissemination while the project is being developed in local schools and get optimal results. There will be an undeniable regional, national and european impact because the project is laid out in a way that it can be implemented anywhere in Europe. Schools interested in reducing agressiveness in classrooms and hyperactivity, willing to obtain better school performances from their students, will easily be able to implement the project. It will be accessible and free for everyone. The aim of this innovative project is to start a new stage in local education by studying SLEEPING HABITS in order to fight against school failure and early school drop out. Teachers, parents and students deserve the chance to learn how to make the most of the teaching, learning and educating experience in order to achieve better school results, have a healthier familiar and social life and a brighter future by following and acquiring good SLEEPING HABITS.

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3 Partners Participants