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SLD and Icing tests on an Ice Protected Scoop Intake and Channel (SLD_scoop)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This propopsal concerns the planning, execution and reporting of a series of environemntal icing tests to be conducted on an intake sccop and channel. The equipment will be manufactured under a separate EU contract. This proposal will test the supplied equipment under a range of conditions including in-flight icing (CS-25 Appendix C), freezing fog, super-cooled large droplets (FAR 25 Appendix X) and snow (ice crystal) conditions. Our proposal if fully compliant with the CfP. AeroTex is an SME specialising in Aircraft Icing Consultancy and has over 28 years combined staff experience in icing wind tunnel testing. A commericial icing wind tunnel will be hired for the period of the tests. The work programme is split into a series of logical and progressive steps including the establishment of the Test Requirments Document, Icing Tunnel Vendor selection, generating a Trials Plan, holding a Test Readiness Review followed by execution of the agreed tests. Finally a Trials report will be produced and issued along with copies of the data and video DVDs obtained during the test.

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