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Skuteczna praktyka zawodowa dziś - sukces zawodowy jutro!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "An efficient work apprenticeship today - a successful career tomorrow!" aims at increasing the attractiveness of the Zespół Szkół in Wola educational offer in the field of vocational teaching in profiles: hotel and catering industry. To provide the most appropriate fulfillment of the before mentioned goal, the school sets up an aim of preparing and managing two kinds of mobilities: a week job shadowing in Italian vocational school IISS Ettore Majorana in Bari for 7 teachers of vocational subjects and the school principal, as well as a 4-week foreign apprenticeship for 16 third graders of Polish vocational school (a half of hotel industry students and a half of catering students). During the job shadowing its participants will observe the organization of vocational teaching in partner school, teaching methods used by Italian teachers and innovative activities led by Italian school aiming at supporting the graduates in flexible entering the labor market. Moreover, the experience gained during the meeting, as well as the contacts with Italian teachers, will allow the implementation of newly observed ideas in home organization. This can lead to an increase in the quality of school work. Students` participance in 4-week apprenticeship will allow them to gain their first working experience in the field of hotel work and restaurant organization certified with ECVET and Europass Mobility documents. The students of catering profile will gain knowledge of Italian cuisine and learn to prepare the most typical meals. They will also find out about regional products and its use in particular dishes. The work experience gained during the apprenticeship will improve their vocational skills and influence the increase of their school leaving qualifications` attractiveness. The project, possible thanks to Erasmus+ founding, will bring significant effects in improving teaching competence of the teachers, project coordinator and the principal concerning project management, foreign apprenticeship organization and the teaching process itself. The results of the project concerning the students are as follows: an improvement of vocational skills, better chances in the labor market, gaining cultural competence and increase in language (English and Italian) fluency. In the long term, the project will enable Zespół Szkół in Wola to achieve a permanent progress in modern teaching methods and tools used in vocational education, implement innovative solutions in the field of apprenticeship organization as well as set up contacts with Italian teachers which will succeed in experience and good practice sharing. Thanks to the project, a permanent improvement of the role and position of the school in local society will be visible which can directly lead to an increase in the number of students interested in the school offer.

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