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Start date: Feb 1, 2010,

Project WE CAN CREATE TOGETHER (SKUPAJ LAHKO USTVARJAMO) is a group EVS activity including partners from Bosna and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy and Latvia each with one volunteer. The project will take place in Slovenian capital city in Ljubljana at Zavod za usposabljanje Janeza Levca (ZUJL). We will host the volunteers for 5,5 months, starting with 1st of February 2010. We are working with children and youngsters with mental disability or/and with learning or behavioural problems. These youngsters and children are often pushed on the edge of active social life. We are experts for special education. Besides educating (our main task) we are trying to organise activities with which we want to place these children and youngsters in the focus, the centre of society. These activities promote an inclusive culture and socialising among all children from different educational, cultural and social backgrounds through playing and spending the time together involved in different free time activities from culture to sport.The theme of the project is antidiscrimination and learning through playing. Our past experiences had shown, that common activities, and connecting of people through games and playing is and effective tool against discrimination and xenophobia. We use games and "playing" as a pedagogical tool. The volunteers will be included in our everyday activities with children and youngsters; they will have the opportunity to help the educators and teachers with the organisation of the free time activities. We also want the volunteers to play an active role in other activities we organise, days devoted to special topics, outdoor activities, international exchanges, the festival "igraj se z mano"…The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of experiences among youngsters from different cultural and social backgrounds, to give the youngsters and children living and educating in the frame of ZUJL the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures, to promote values as democracy, freedom, human rights… The project encourages learning about differences and the accepting of them.

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2 Partners Participants