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Skončím školu - a čo ďalej?
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the feedback from the participants of the project, the project can be assessed as very successful. We filled the topic, even we managed to produce very interesting discussion of unemployment and employment opportunities after graduation. The participants actively participated in the activities and contribute their views. Aim of the project was completed, participants took away many useful information on "finish school and then what." On the site of the project we did a number of practical activities focused on such as: making your own CV, cover letters, role plays on "interview", which was very interesting for the participants. Mainly to how to behave during interviews, what to avoid and what to get ready. We can say, according to the reactions of the participants the project reach the goal. Participants get lot of skills and abilities which they can use in real life.

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