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Skolotāju profesionālo un svešvalodu kompetenču uzlabošana kā skolas modernizācijas un internacionalizācijas priekšnoteikums
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The necessity of the Project is awoken by the priorities of the school development plan, the objectives of the European development plan ( modernization and internationalization of the school, providing qualitative learning process according to the modern requirements) as well as the needs to improve the teachers` professional, foreign language and IT skills. The OBJECTIVES of the Project are: -provide the teachers with the possibility of professional improvement in different foreign countries attending courses, participating in the job shadowing/observation in partner schools and teaching assignments there; -improve and enrich the teachers` methodological knowledge and skills, as well as foreign language , IT, social and intercultural competencies; -prepare skillful teachers able to be competent for participating in projects eTwinning and Erasmus+ mobility and strategical partnership. In the process of preparing the project application there were considered all the teachers` PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEEDS. The following scopes of teaching and education process require improvement of professional competence: -preparing teaching materials for using IT resources and work in foreign language projects; -acquiring new methods especially for managing students` research work and using IT and internet resources and tools in different subjects; -obtaining pedagogically organizational methods for integration students with special needs and students with learning disabilities into education process; -raising learning motivation to prevent precocious school leaving as well as special methods are required for work with students who left school during the previous years but now are comprising groups of evening students, in fact , adults. ACTIVITIES The first year of the Project encloses planned foreign language courses (1-2 weeks) in England, Malta and Germany (2-4 participants in each course), the other- 1 week Job shadowing/observation in Germany, Spain and Portugal (1-2 participants in each school), teaching assignment in Portugese partnerschool ( 1 teacher) and using IT + courses for primary and secondary students to improve their foreign languages skills (2 and 4 participants in 2 flows). There are totally 14 mobility participants (24 participants in the project budget, because few participants are planned for two courses). There are 24% of all teachers involved (municipality secondary school and its structural department Sidgunda). RESPONSIBILITIES In this Project Malpils Municipality secondary school school assumes the part of coordinator which involves preparing the application, its practical development till its implementation, overview and dissemination of the results. The partners will provide solving the problems with the activity programmes, transport, accomodation, monitoring, evaluation and certification. The responsibility of the involving institutions including financial details will be defined in a tripartite agreement after corroboration of the Project. All the documents will be worked out under the conditions of Erasmus+ programmes accepted by the partners. The qualitative partnership basic principles will be followed during the Project time. EVALUATION The execution of each activity program and participants' benefit and development will be evaluated in school management meeting on the basis of the following documents: · Partner issued certificates of program results; · Participants' reporting, photo materials; · The obtained informational and educational materials for using in future work. The assessment of the acquired skills actually will be not only immediately after the project, but from a distance - seeing the positive impact on the teaching of according subjects in the school, as well as involving of the project participants in further international project activities. Dissemination of the project results will be provided in the following manner: · Local newpaper " Mālpils Vēstis" and regional newspaper "Rīgas Apriņķa Avīze"; · The relevant methodological and school management committee meetings, Education Advisory Board of Malpils Municipality Council meetings, as well as experience-sharing activities and other projects with other Latvian and foreign school colleagues; · Malpils Secondary School website; · The hosting partner's websites.

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3 Partners Participants