Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Secondary School of Economics from Slavonski Brod (Croatia) is implementing a mobility project for 16 students attending secondary school educational programmes: administrative secretary and administrative clerk. The selected students will have 2 weeks of structured practical work experience in Dublin, Ireland in November 2016. This experience will provide them with an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in secondary education, as well as to develop their other skills and competences. The students will, besides acquiring various methods of work and acquiring knowledge about business operations in European labour market, also develop foreign language skills and IT competences, and learn about Irish culture and world of work. By spending time abroad and having structured work experience, the students will become independent, gain additional self-confidence and self-esteem, become tolerant to differences and develop understanding for others as a contribution to common European values.The usual practical work for students is organized during school break in the local state and private firms and offices. However, the work they perform is not related to their profession. Rather, they are given tasks such as photocopying and mail delivery, so they do not have the opportunity to do tasks closely related to their future profession or to gain an insight into work process. Doing practical work abroad would provide students with an opportunity to experience European work process, to gain modern IT skills and apply them when performing their work in the office. In Ireland, administrative clerks will be placed in law firms where they will have an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge gained in school to practical work. They will also learn about work methodology and Irish laws, use IT tools in their work, communicate with clients, keep various records and prepare various documents. Also in Ireland, administrative secretaries will be placed in various firms with large administrative departments which have clients in various fields of work and with whom they organize frequent meetings. During their practical work students will work with clients and office staff, use IT tools in their everyday work, prepare meetings, gain insight into the way administrative work and business correspondence is done. During clearly defined and planned practical work experience in Ireland, and through thoroughly performed practical work, students will gain valuable life skills and knowledge. Unlike in Croatia, employers in Ireland grasp the importance of practical work and integration of young people in the business world.

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