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Skills#EU - Learning Mobility - Opening European Minds
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the Europe 2020 Strategy of the European Commission, one frequently noted critique on the European project is that from a citizen perspective it appears to be elitist and lacking popular support. Some perceive the activities and organizations around the “Brussels bubble” promoting the European idea for young people to be equally elitist, addressing and reaching only an already well-informed part of young people that are politically interested. However, the European project as such is too relevant to not be a point of interest for the great majority of young people not reached by those activities. One of these not reached groups are, among others, young trainees in VET. Although a great number of young trainees are able to participate in the VET learning mobility programme of Erasmus+, this experience does not necessarily activate them as citizens who are forming an active part of the European society. The project idea of Skills#EU starts here by using the existing enthusiasm of the trainees to equip them with the skills necessary to activate their European citizenship. The project is innovative because it connects mobility of young people in vocational training abroad with the goals of the "Youth in Action" programme, a new challenge across the sector (VET Youth) . The program ERASMUS + provides opportunities for young people to gain essential skills for their personal and professional development. Young Europeans shall become "infected" by the European idea. Once the young people take part in mobility experiences as part of their formal training, we will use this chance to raise their awareness as active European citizens and inform them about the possibilities to actively get involved in European activities.Although the mobilities are embedded in a formal context, the focus is not only placed on professional / technical "credits" acquired abroad but on actors as persons. This includes both the young people from different countries of origin, but also the trainers of receiving organisations in the host countries. In particular, these mentors play a key role on our project. They are the multipliers who regularly provide guidance to young Europeans. They support young people to consider cultural differences in daily life but also raise awareness of European issues. Although it is difficult to measure and validate (ECVET), exactly this process of consciousness raising and personal development of young people represents the long term and sustainable value of this project.The overall aim of Skills#EU is to develop and pilot a blended-learning training programme for young trainees that accompanies them before, during and after their mobility experience and equips them with the means to activate their full EU citizenship, to develop key competences, and to fulfil their educational potential in the field of social and civic competences, cultural awareness and expression. Before developing the training-programme, project partners perform a study among trainees and trainers. This is ensuring that the skills conveyed during the trainings do not only activate the trainees as European citizens, but, at the same time is equiping them with verifiable European skills and competences. This makes them develop a European perspective both in their professional and personal life and is preparing them for the challenges of a European labour market. After the study is completed, discussed among the project partners and reflected, the training concept is elaborated and piloted in the project partners' organisations. Trainers and trainees are profiting from a sophisticated blended learning concept combining online and offline elements. All project material as well as guidlines referring to the respective methodologies are found on the Peers#EU web-portal which is hosting the blended learning processes, is providing trainees with additional relevant information about their stay abroad, and is connecting trainees among each other and is so helping them to develop a social environment before, during, and after their stay abroad.Finally, the long term goal is to establish the Skills#EU training concept as part of the common preparation and guidance of participants in VET learning mobilities before, during and after their stay abroad. Since VET mobility projects are carried out all over Europe the results can be applied to a broad range of trainees and their sending organizations as well as hosting organizations and their trainers.

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