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Skilled Cooks and Waiters Network
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

◙ BACKGROUND According to the labor market analysis done in all 3 countries (latest data from research papers from Employment Service agencies) skilled staff who can respond to the needs of the employers and clients, are nowadays hard to find. Investments in human resources is essential success factor for every business, especially in hospitality industry where the personnel is in direct contact with the consumers and the quality of the food and service can directly impact the return rate of the guests and the All participating organizations are convinced that this project is capable to answer this challenge of mismatch of skills and offer a modern and professional training, which can be tailor made for needs of the employers. The project will be implemented as cooperation between partner organisations from Macedonia (1) , Italy (1), Portugal (1). ◙ AIMS With this project we aim to:○ improve the employability of person/students (also those with less possibility for access to trainings) on the job market by including 30 persons ○ to strengthen key competences in VET curricula and providing more effective opportunities to acquire or develop those skills through I-VET and C-VET with relevant competencies (link to 01 TNA) and valuable knowledge, skills and attitudes for the labor market of tourism (link to O2 and 03 Guidance/Trainings 04 and 05) (FIELD-SPECIFIC PRIORITY) ○ to enhance the access to training and qualifications for all through C-VET, in a life-long learning perspective, especially by raising awareness on the cook and waiter careers in Europe (FIELD-SPECIFIC PRIORITY) ○ to improve transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications, by comparing different European training curricula and developing two new courses, both with traditional and Online structure; (HORIZONTAL PRIORITY) ◙ PARTICPANTS 60 unemployed person from which: ♦ 30 unemployed person aged 18-25 from Macedonia, Italy and Portugal (10 from each country) , who have some previous experience as waiters or are in the last year of education in hospitality school. 15 participants from them will come from the rural area and from low income families, who have less access to training possibilities. - 30 unemployed person aged 18-25 from Macedonia, Italy and Portugal (10 from each country) , who have some previous experience as cooks or are in the last year of education a hospitality school. 15 participants from them will come from the rural area and from low income familiesThey wil be in general persons who should increase their employability skills in order to entrance the labor market♦ 30 employers from the hospitality sector (IT, PT, MK- 10 from each country ) who are facing with difficulties of finding skilled staff of cooks and waiters (which is very usual in all 3 countries).◙ OUTPUTS of the project output 1 Training need analysis output 2 Guidebook for waiters /Art of being successful waiter output 3 Guidebook for cooks/ Art of being successful cook output 4 Recommendation Policy Paper to improve standards of cooks and waiters in Europe (incl. development of evaluation model for employees done by the employers) ◙ TRAININGS /blended activities 10 days in Italy for 30 participants- training for waiters which will deliver skills technical skills/ 5 days work based on the job training10 days in Portugal for 30 participants, training for cook which will deliver technical skills/ 5 days work based on the job training10 days in Macedonia for 30 participants - training delivering skills in personal and professional development/ use of IT. Methodology used: combination of modern didactic approaches, combination of practical instruction and work based models, virtual mobility. ◙ IMPACT - mainly for unemployed people from different countries, but also for employers, other VET providers.The partner organizations who participate in the project will also improve the offer of trainings but also managerial competencies of international cooperation projects.
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