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Situation AWare Security Operations Center (SAWSOC)
Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SAWSOC aims at bringing a significant advancement in the convergence of physical and logical security, meaning effective cooperation (i.e. a coordinated and results-oriented effort to work together) among previously disjointed functions. Recently some achievements have been made (e.g. SEM and SIM have merged into SIEM, and LACS and PACS have merged into IM), Security Operations Center (SOC) technology has improved significantly, but much is yet to be done. SAWSOC holistic approach and enhanced awareness technology will allow dependable (i.e. accurate, timely, and trustworthy) detection and diagnosis of attacks. This will ultimately result in the achievement of two goals of paramount importance, and precisely: 1) Guaranteeing the protection of citizens and assets, and 2) Improving the perception of security by citizens. Goal 1 is in line with the objectives of the Security Work Programme in general, and goal 2 perfectly matches the expected impact as listed in the Work Programme for Topic SEC-2012.2.5-1. SAWSOC’s design will be driven by three real use cases, with highly diverse requirements. Such use cases collectively form an experimental test-bed perfectly suited for driving the design as well as for validating the development of a platform such as SAWSOC that will support true convergence of physical and logical security technologies, and overcome the fragmentation of security approaches. The first use case deals with the protection of a Critical Infrastructure for Air Traffic Management. The second deals with the protection of a Critical Infrastructure for Energy Production and Distribution. The third deals with the protection of a public place, specifically a stadium, during an event. The project will take stock of associated initiatives, which have a direct or indirect link with the topic (e.g.: topic SEC-2011.2.5-1 Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures, ESRAB and ESRIF), and will benefit of an enhanced SME participation in the Consortium, with three hi-tech SMEs from three different countries, playing relevant as well as complementary roles.
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