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sitive water management in lowland areas facing climate change (FLOODCOM)
Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The FLOODCOM project gathers together 5 partners from the 2 Seas programme area with similar topography: lowland areas, affected by the North Sea with a possibility of flooding from inter-tidal and fluvial events or even severe rainfall events. Traditional flood defense methods, such as concrete canals and sea walls, are no longer fit to meet the increased threat of flooding. Therefore, new technical solutions and practical methods are required, with a shared objective to make flood risk areas safer for living and working. FLOODCOM partners will share their experiences and expertise and create a toolkit to be used by all national environment agencies and local authorities. These approaches range from large-scale water storage (up and down stream) for communities in Breda and Chelmsford, to water flow management techniques in Antwerp and St Omer. The project will engage with communities, with a particular focus on young people, to increase their knowledge of FLOODCOM’s aims and the effects of climate change on their environment, using new communication tools like social media and live web streaming. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Piloting new flood defence techniques- 2 new purpose build flood defence schemes protecting 97 communities from flood risk and 100,700 ha of land in St Omer and the Hedwige-Prosper polder areas.- 2 new purpose build flood defence schemes protecting 300,000 people from flood risk and 500 ha of land in the Breda and Chelmsford.Exchanges/workshops- 20 experts exchange skills and knowledge.- 1 international conference for 200 people involving 2Seas and NWE programmes with an interest in flooding.- 4 schools participating in activities and learning about flooding and flood protectionInnovative communication techniques- 4 live webcams in 4 nations streamed to social media and other appropriate websites giving live time updates on investment progress- 4 new geocache sites in 4 countries.- 4 case studies on pilot schemes produced for the conference and tool kit.- Branded token/item designed by 4 nations school children, produced and distributed as a media tool (10000) at geocache sites at partner sites- 12 new social media entries onto appropriate sites about the investments in flood defence.- 1 international tool kit.- 1 international education pack.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The target groups are; communities and businesses affected by flooding in St Omer, Hedwige-Prosper Polder, Chelmsford and Breda areas; experts who are working on flood defence plans or responsible for the implementation of the EU Flood Directive; practitioners who are responsible for the delivery of the EU FLood directve who require examples of practical man-made solutions to flooding through water management.Final beneficiaries are local communities, planners and politicians directly affected by future flooding. Future generations of school, college and university students who are studying flooding as part of their course curriculum.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The implementation of 4 major flood defence schemes and the joint finance of partners will help assure the future lowland Europe schemes planned or indentified in the EU Flooding Directive implementation Plan, benefiting the communities of the partner areas from flooding risk and educating them in flood awareness and self-resilience.Joint Documents and Reports will be produced with an overview of the project, information on the current situation and the flood risk, the geography of the site, the potential impact on communities and the economic activity of the area. This will present opportunities for regeneration and other related benefits to communities and businesses in the partner areas.A joint technical toolkit –mobile and updatable (website, database, webcams) is to be available on all national environment agency (or equivalent) websites as well as reports for relevant authorities on good practice and lessons learned, the justification for using particular techniques and the outcomes, informing experts and policymakers at a local and national level.
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  • 50%   2 810 024,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants