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Sites d'Accompagnement pour les Enseignants de langues

The SAEL project brings together three European partners, all responsible for sixnational guidance sites aimed at language teachers. Against a backdrop of profoundchanges in the teaching of languages in the EU, the idea is to promote the concept ofonline guidance to language teachers. Midway between training and information, onlineguidance makes it possible for language teachers to speed up the process of takingdecisions and/or making innovative language policy recommendations, whether suchmeasures are proposed by the Member States or recommended by the Commission.Furthermore, such guidance tools make it possible to extend and complement existingtraining. They also help in pooling good practices among the teachers themselves andenable them to work as part of a network.The SAEL project comprises an action research on guidance sites for languageteachers. This study will be based on the following elements:- an in-depth analysis of partner sites and other similar sites in Europe;- experiments to be conducted by the partners who commit specifically to exchangepractices and implement at least one good practice inspired by one of the partner sites.The results of the study should serve as the basis for a practical guide for designing,running and improving guidance sites for language teachers. This guide will be puttogether and written by an expert on the basis of the work of all the partners.The guide will be published on paper and uploaded onto a specific site, and must bedisseminated to the main actors providing training and information for languageteachers in Europe and to education authorities. A European seminar will be organisedat the end of the project to enhance the results.
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2 Partners Participants