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Sistema integrato per il MOnitoraggio e il controllo dell'ambiente MARino (MOMAR)
Start date: May 3, 2009, End date: May 3, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Momar concerns the protection of waters and the marine ecosystem, (Directive 2000/60/EC) and plans to develop devices targeted, informational and organizational, to bridge the discontinuity (heterogeneity and poor integration of objectives, approaches and tools) of corresponding action in the area of ​​environmental PO Sea, contributing to its efficiency (better use resources) and effectiveness (to finalize decision-making and management of the sector). Reference area: the project covers the entire area of ​​cooperation through a variety of institutional bodies, academic and technical representative of Corsica, Liguria, Sardinia and Tuscany. General objective: to design a device common to both sides of the area, aimed at: - Analyze the coastal and marine environment and the pressures exerted on it, - To prevent emergencies and environmental dynamics, - Provide a model of shared responsibility, - Build a single model and shared maritime surveillance of the area. Target audience is the entire social system and institutional area, identifying and characterizing the pressures of maritime traffic, settlement systems and productive coastal port areas. Main activities and operations provided: - Systematization and integration methodologies, technologies and tools - Development of a dedicated computer system, with device detection, and environmental emergency activation system resources - Modeling the impact of anthropogenic factors - Development of strategies, communication and awareness. Expected Results:  widespread and targeted capacity of partners to identify and implement more effective technologies and methodologies applied to the marine environmental monitoring;  Development of the system of detection and interpretation of oceanographic data;  Increased ability to finalize planning and sharing of industry;  Better identification of environmental emergencies;  Shortening of reaction time system;  Identification of human factors (determinants) of environmental pressure, measurement of specific impacts;  information more timely and effective in terms of description and awareness of the agents, the causes and effects of environmental pressures;  institutionalized exchanges between parties - institutional strengthening of technical and scientific communities.

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  • 75%   1 837 500,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - France Maritime (IT-FR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants