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Σύνδεση Συμβουλευτικής Σταδιοδρομίας με την Αγορά Εργασίας
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To cope with the economic crisis of recent years which has created social risks and high unemployment rates among young people (Greece is in the first place with more than 50% at ages 15 to 24) the EU countries have developed policies on education, training and labor market, whose effectiveness depends heavily on the vocational guidance. The benefits of guidance are multilevel, beyond the individual and affect the business, financial and social policies. By the end of the school year 2010-2011 school guidance structures were abolished in school secondary education units. Only some Counseling and Guidance Centres were left (KESYP). Last year the group of teachers career consultants core KESYP Neapolis created the NGO Employment Portal - Educational Consultants Career Thessaloniki with the purpose of voluntary continuation of mentoring to students and parents. This group tries to be trained either through study visits or by relevant training to countries that have successfully reduced youth unemployment. How do such countries as Slovenia and Estonia face the problem? How do the counsellors manage information and labour market data, such as demand and supply of skills? What measures or laws have these countries applied towards reducing youth unemployment? How are students directed or selected in upper secondary education, general or vocational? What good practices are used by career counsellors for young people? How do counsellors monitor those who have been guided? How is the program "Youth Guarantee" implemented? Both vocational guidance and counselling help stakeholders to better understand what job prospects they have and what they need to learn in order to realize their ambitions. Another effective way for the reintegration of young people in education and training is to provide full information on all the necessary qualifications and vocational rehabilitation potentials of the system. Through career guidance and counselling young people also have the opportunity to learn about flexible qualification methods, such as validation of informal learning, development of career management skills etc. The issues of mobility training program are summarized in three areas: Educational System (turning points in the decision making, the input process -Examination, grades, etc.-available positions in structures: vocational training institutes, colleges, universities, technical institutes) Promoting vocational education / training (professional school, vocational schools, apprenticeships, internships, training to work, credits VET, developing curricula that meet the learning outcomes, funding laboratories equipment) Labour Market (definition of skills and available training places according to labor market needs, skill demand studies, stakeholders, fee and insurance apprenticeship or practice skills accreditation, assessment and certification of qualifications, unemployment rates, duration of unemployment benefit). The activities include deepening in the educational systems of the two countries; presentation of good counseling process practices, methods and incentives to encourage training; recording practices and ways of monitoring the supply and demand of skills in the labour market; information on apprenticeships, practice exercise and certification qualifications ; also visits to vocational training organizations, public employment agencies and businesses. In detail, the activities described in the draft programs. After the mobility the consultants, feeling confident and equipped, will act as trainers and peer teachers to other consultants at secondary education schools. The final product will be uploaded on KESYP Neapolis website and thus students and parents will be benefited by having immediate access to high consulting services . An issue of good practices will be produced by the two host countries and will be distributed to all teachers- counsellors in schools and sent to the National Qualifications and Certification Organization and Guidance (EOPPEP). After the completion of training of teacher counsellors, students and parents will benefit from having direct access, either to the teacher counsellor in school or to KESYP Neapolis site, to high consultancy services.

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