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Simple living-High thinking
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Simple living-high thinking" is a Strategic Partnership project involving youth workers and youth from 5 partner organisations from Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia and Czech. All the organisations are active in youth work, connected with areas of self-sustainability, healthy lifestyles and youth employment. The partners expressed their mutual interest in creating a network based on strong partnerships aimed to connect more and exchange the good practices in relevant areas of their work. The project will unite youthworkers and youth around the common idea of changing the youth employment paradigm from urban to rural, which will empower youth to act and receive truly useful rewards as part of the work that they are doing. In addition to addressing challanges of lifr in the cities and discussing the issues of promoting a simple and healthy lifestyle, at the meeting partners will consider the possibilities of how to engage young people in developing organic gardening and , to encourage compassion, solidarity, and active attitude towards modern challenges. During the project participants will actively dive into topics and issues of issues of youth volunteering, social entrepreneurship, eco-tourism, self-sustainable farming, healthy living, and EU funding opportunities for future cooperation. Participants will share their knowledge and expertise in the field and try to find solutions for youth engagement in their activities. The project will last for 14months, start on February 2015 and end in March 2016. It will involve 3 meetings of youth workers and local youth , in Hungary, Belgium and Sweden. The meetings will be based on different combinations of outdoor activities (developing natural permaculture, field trips, yoga), educational trainings (seminars, workshops on transversal skills and innovative methods of youth work), learning opportunities of European instruments/certificates (Youthpass, Europass CV) and practical management education (fundraising for organisations on national and international level, grant writing, Erasmus+ opportunities presentations). The conclusions of the meetings will be: - in Sweden - preparatory event ( main themes: transversal skills development, outreach for youth), - in Hungary - practical development event (European instruments, outdoor activities), - in Belgium - summarization of the gained experience (fundraising, entrepreneurship ideas for youth). Beside advancement of specific competences of our youthworkers which will enable them to do more quality youth work, raise intercultural competence, communication skills, foreign language skills, knowledge about the possibilities for European cooperation, knowledge about youth work in different countries, presentation skills, fund-raising skills, active listening skills etc., we will make all our good practices ,knowledge and solutions relevant to the topics of the project easy available to youth and to all interested parties through: 1) an attractive inspirational and educational movie (up to 50 minutes) inspired by the main idea of the project: Simple living–high thinking (published in 500 copies and distributed as a dissemination and educational tool for free to various stakeholders and interested parties), 2) educational Manual (hard copy and soft copy uploaded on website) which would provide valuable theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of self-sustainability,entrepreneurship for young people and healthy lifestyle throughout EU and world. The Manual would be very practical, giving education on developing organic gardening , production of environmentally-friendly products and opportunities for distribution of products on business market, 3) an easily approachable Website that will contain information on the project’s theme, different articles and educational Manual. It will give theoretical and practical information on how to produce your own organic vegetables, fruits and products made out of them. It will teach interested persons how to put their product on the business market, what are the best ways to enter the market and find customers. It will be created in a modern and attractive way. The visitors of the website and readers of the Manual could use this knowledge for their future employment opportunities

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4 Partners Participants