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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Cogeneration of energy and increase energy efficiency in buildings" refers to the mobility of students in vocational training in the specialties of Mechanics and Electricians of 3rd EPAL Tavrou. The plan involves 24 students, who for a period of 14 days will be going to Cyprus. The flow will be implemented from 08/12/2014 until 21/12/2014, upon request of the sending institution with the host institution (EDEX). The duration of the mobility abroad is considered satisfactory to cover the educational needs of the participants to gain the necessary knowledge on the know-how on the field of energy cogeneration and simultaneously strengthening intercultural and linguistic characteristics of the program. The training program was designed according to the characteristics and needs of the participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required in relation to energy co-generation, so that in combination with intakes practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market. The project will include theoretical training of scientific staff of the host organization, scheduled visits to significant firms or certified laboratories for practical training and cultural visits. It is expected that students will gain significant knowledge and experience for a modern theme concerning training in techniques to improve energy efficiency achieved by the combined production of electricity and thermal energy from the same source. Participation in the mobility plan will result in students receiving valuable experience and important skills to achieve the following specific objectives: * To enrich their expertise on energy cogeneration, * To work in an environment with different technologies and expertise, * To practice and perfect a foreign language, * To experience a different culture, * To increase their chances of finding work in Greece or in some foreign country. The project is aimed at covering the following training needs for the students and is directly related and relevant to the needs of the labor market, focusing on the following: * Basic knowledge of energy cogeneration solutions, * Understanding energy needs and business autonomy, * Adapting to modern subjects, * Training in installation and maintenance of infrastructure. Through the project, trainees are expected to gain valuable experience and important skills, which are expected to contribute to the subsequent working career and are identified in the following results: * Be able to meet the new demands of their profession, * Understand the basic principles of energy needs and energy efficiency * Observe safety rules * To develop energy study * To apply specialized tools and applications. The 3rd EPAL TAVROU, with the approval of the plan, shall implement actions that address: * The preconditioning phase (publicity, collection requests to participate, a structured interview, selection of beneficiaries, cultural preparation seminar, training guides, training materials, preparation of beneficiaries, organization and procedural travel and subsistence) * The implementation phase (going abroad, theoretical training, internships) and * The phase after the end of training (assessment, dissemination of results, administrative documents to the National Unit of the Erasmus +). In the proposed project we expect to achieve multiplier effects and benefits, both for participants and for their external parties involved. This adds value to the project, helping to spread the importance of mobility programs, accreditation and recognition of knowledge acquired and skills and to create a network for the development of partnerships between training institutions and enterprises.

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