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Silesian Researchers NOW! (SIRENA)
Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This year The Silesian Researchers' Night will embrace five most important and renown Universities from the Silesian Region, covering almost all of the scientific activities – natural sciences, engineering and technology and social sciences and humanities! Here we go, for the seventh time, in the same strong and experienced team with even greater dose of humour, fun, music, and answers for all the niggling questions of our most demanding public. Over 100 events in five Silesian cities will attract kids, adults and eldery for the seventh time in a row and our well-liked scientists will lead our public by the hand through the mazes of science, patiently explaining all its complexities. This all will be sweetened by activities loved by everyone: workshops, demonstrations, lectures, concerts and shows!"

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4 Partners Participants