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Şiddetsiz Karşı Koyma
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a negative result of industrializion, urbanization, and technological advances, recently there has been an increase of violent and aggressive behaviours in school area and families. Attitude problems in childhood and puberty phase are related with genetic, biological and social factors (unemployment, poverty, parents' low educational level, marital conflict and divorce, etc.) as well as inappropriate communication patterns within family. Especially parents' child raising style, solid, inconsistent and punitive attitudes of them, negative communication within the family, intrafamilial violence are considered as substantial variables at this point.Likewise negative parental attitudes and negative parent-child interaction play an essential role when children develop and persist behavioral problems. With this Project, it’s aimed to restructure the common life of family, to improve the patterns of intrafamilial interaction, to increase the parenthood abilities of the parents and thus to keep adolescents from violence and aggressiveness, to decrease the stress level of parents and the feelings of desperation, following the parent oriented course programme which the staff of our institution is going to take, with the psycho-educational programme which will be held first in our school then with the spreading activities in Adana, Seyhan which will be organized for the families who live in migration regions. Within the context of the Project, The Project team will take a three phase abroad education programme about decreasing violent and agressive behaviours. Afterwards education programme will be exercised to the other staff of our school and especially to the families. The obtained results will be made into reports and scientific articles. Lastly there will be activities like spreading the practises to the region schools’ staffs and students’ families through workshops and in-service trainings. As part of the Project, with pre-test, pro-test and observation measurements for the works, it will be done scientific measurements and analysis of the changes which are supposed to occur on families and students and the results will be spreaded by publication. Through the activities planned in the Project, it is also aimed to decrease the violence and aggressiveness behaviours which is one of the main problems of our school and decreasing school drop outs caused by that, to increase the cooperation among school staff, family and students. It’s aimed that this education course contributes the educators and authorities who have problems in these areas by spreading through workshops and in-service trainings. Within the scope of the Project a ten person team who will take the education was established. While choosing the participants following abilities were taken into consideration; Participated to voluntary activities about violence and agressiveness, Able to communicate well with family and school staff, Have linguistic ability, Have abroad experience, Have certificates about subjects like anger management, overcoming stress, problem solving, communication skills within the family,Project preparation methods and techniques, Have the ability and experience about the use of technology Have experience about research and publication, Have abilities to giving seminars to families and managing group educations.

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