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"Si l'ORESTIE m'était contée...". Quand le théâtre jette des ponts vers les apprentissages et devient un enjeu pédagogique.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

‘If I were told The Oresteia…,’ when theatre builds bridges to learning and becomes an educational issue. Many students master fundamental knowledge ever less. The same is true for other countries. Students live in an era of immediacy – they want to know everything without having to learn anything. We want to reconcile them with the act of learning. That is why mastering one’s mother tongue (written and oral) plays a crucial role in students’ schooling – if that transversal skill is insufficient, all other school subjects may be negatively impacted. More, mastering the language is necessary because it is a factor of social, cultural and professional integration. We are convinced that theatre, especially ancient Greek theatre, is an excellent teaching tool. That is the reason why we have decided to make use of The Oresteia, a trilogy by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus (both simplified and original version) in order to maximize our students’ learning process, and even go beyond the simple mastery of basic skills, give meaning to those skills, especially by encouraging the practice of reading, writing and speaking. In order to achieve this, we would like to share teaching practices, create a new dynamic, and get our students more active, ‘make school pleasant and work attractive,’ as Jules Ferry suggests. We have therefore decided to promote inter and pluridisciplinarity. Learning is not enough, students must perceive the utility of what they learn and understand that they can reuse it in other situations. Getting our students to read and listen to a foundation narrative, which they will later rephrase and reword through various exercises (for instance performing the play) and from which they will work in various school subjects, will enable them to learn how to express and expose their feelings and point of view to others in a constructive way, to discuss together issues that affect them, to foster their critical thinking and finally question their own conscience. By reinforcing basic skills acquisition through methods which we think are effective, by using theatre in a tranversal way, we aim at helping every student develop their potential, their independence, their self-confidence, their solidarity, their open-mindedness towards others and other cultures, their literary, cultural, historic, scientific, mathematic, linguistic and artistic interest, and the way they express themselves, communicate and create. Of course, the pupils concerned by the project are not only those who are at odds with traditional education and who experience school failure (because of wrong methods, unremedied deficiencies, learning troubles, or socio economic difficulties) but also those who do not experience school failure and whom we encourage to serve as a driving force behind both their own school classmates and pupils from partner schools. By promoting ancient Greek theatre and making use of Aeschylus’s trilogy and its values in the classroom, we aim at improving basic skills in reading, writing and speaking, that is to say reading and understanding a document, reusing its comprehension, defending one’s opinion and one’s work. The various achievements, such as a logo, a poster, a movie, a video, a brochure, a debate, an album, an ancient theatre model, etc., will be made as part of different lessons and different school subjects. Therefore, they will put the students at the centre of their own learning, get them active, independent, conscious of ‘the reason why they are learning what they are learning’ and make them part of a creative project. Teachers from involved schools will share and compare their ideas and teaching practices – they will question themselves in relation to their partner’s contribution and design a joint methodology to complete their task properly: strengthening insufficient basic skills. The promotion of educational cooperation will make it possible to exchange useful and creative information, which enables to remedy academic deficiencies. The project activities and methodology will be positively and negatively commented on a digital document, which will enable us to get the best out of our experiment and to share it. Students’ achievements in terms of knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills will be a long-term process at the end of which we will have given them a taste for learning and got them back in the saddle for life after school.
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