European Projects
Show your own gold - a European Concept to Visuali..
Show your own gold - a European Concept to Visualize and Reflect One's Vocational Biography Using Digital Media
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The project aims to develop, test and evaluate a European concept to support the development of a vocational biography through course consultancy for the target group of unemployed young people (including girls and young women) in vocational preparation measures outside the labour market. It intends to make them set up and visualize their individual vocational and educational biography, actively producing media available on a web-based multimedia environment. Formally and informally acquired skills and competencies are visualized using a specific type of portfolio developed in the project. Within the framework of the project, both the web-based competence multimedia environment and the consultancy of young people will be developed in the form of an accompanying course offered in the countries. Within the framework of the project, a consultancy concept with a specific scope of courses offered for the generation and reflection of appropriate media formats (e.g. video clips of work processes at the company providing internship, interviews with trainees and skilled workers of a branch, image data of own work-pieces and projects etc.) is to be developed, tested and evaluated.
The research design is based on several distinct research strategies:
1. A desk study (analysis, literature review) of the situation of vocational preparation organised and embedded in the VET system and the employment situation of young people in the countries. This is necessary in that no studies are at present available on the analysis of the integration of the concept of vocational biography design in vocational preparation in the participating countries; 2. the development of the course (curriculum design) and 3. it’s application, followed by 4. a set of in-depth group interviews and surveys with the social actors involved, such as trainees and trainers, accompanied by a series of transnational work meetings. The didactic approach of the course design is based on constructivist pedagogy and constructionist media education, combining active design and reflection processes of the young participants. The project will focus on learning processes for the conception and production of authentic media products for vocational self-presentation and the presentation of one’s skills. These media products are to present the young people in the context of their professional activities (e.g. during internships that are combined with the setup of visual material). In addition, the young people are to be given a feedback regarding their strengths and weaknesses and the way in which they can present their competences in an effective manner.
The didactic approach of the online multimedia environment is based on the idea of shaping technology by the users themselves. It will be co-designed by the project partners, according to the needs identified in the countries and technically realized by the partner Pontydysgu. The result will be an online media environment to be designed & updated by the participants. It may pool various media formats for later sustainable use in a project-independent manner. The partnership has been selected according to the experiences and expertise required for the successful development, realisation and evaluation of the project activities.
Bringing together institutions with a high expertise with in media education with young people, media design, visual culture, as well as vocational preparation, VET, continuous training/Life Long Learning. They also have very wide experience in research within European projects. All of them have participated in a considerable number of projects within European Commission programmes related to VET and media: most or even all of their research is carried out by means of contracts with external institutions such as social partners or individual enterprises: The Institute of Vocational and General Education (IBP) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT (coordination); The University of Barcelona (UB); Pontydysgu, ltd., U.K.; AxA Consulting, Romania; Institute Nefiks, Slovenia.
This project aims to support EU and national policy makers for what concerns the development & implementation of new VET related policies towards a European concept of successful vocational biography design. The results of the project will be clearly spelled out to be easily circulated and disseminated via an International Youth Panel, a European conference, newsletter and social media in order to enhance their usability within the policy making process. Depending on the strong partnership and cooperation in the project, it is likely that the results bear significant impacts on new EU decisions & regulations that might pay more attention to vocational preparation, its integration in VET systems in terms of the responsiveness of vocational preparation measures and its quality improvement.