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Ship Evacuation Data and Scenarios (SAFEGUARD)
Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The collection of human performance data in full-scale ship trials is vital for the calibration and validation of ship based evacuation models. The IMO Fire Protection Sub-Committee in their modification of MSC circ 1033 at the FP51 meeting in February 2007 invited member governments to provide, “…further information on additional scenarios for evacuation analysis and full scale data to be used for validation and calibration purposes of the draft revised interim guideline.” The purpose of SAFEGUARD is to address this requirement by providing (a) full-scale data for calibration and validation of ship based evacuation models and (b) propose and investigate additional benchmark scenarios to be used in certification analysis. The results of both of these tasks will be reported to IMO for possible incorporation into future modifications of the MSC Circ 1033."
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