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Ship Emergency Simulator
Start date: Mar 28, 2013, End date: Sep 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“SES” is the world’s first maritime career simulator. The game features accurate models of real life transport vessels and faithfully mimics the daily life on ships. In “SES” the player can choose between two major maritime career paths on large transport vessels. The player starts out as a junior engineer or junior officer and will have to work his way up through the ranks until achieving the top ranks as either chief engineer or captain.The player start out in the game by taking upon himself the role of the lowest rank of e.g. the engineer career path, the junior engineer (we will stick to this career path for the rest of the explanatory descriptions of the game design to avoid confusions). The biggest part of a voyage will be fairly undramatic - you have your assignments that you must complete to the best of your abilities. But if you miss something or if one of the other crew members does, this might lead to an emergency. While you can complete the assignments in your own tempo, the emergency is a completely different story. The emergency will run over 10 to 15 minutes and you have to prevent a major accident from happening - and you have to do it in cooperation with the other crewmembers. To reach the goal of rising through the ranks the player will, corresponding to his rank, have some responsibilities aboard the ship, which he must fulfil to the best of his ability. At times minor incidents will occur which the player must pay attention to and resolve in due time and orderly.Rising in ranks depends on two things: The amount of days sailed and the performance on each voyage.The career part of the game is solely a single player game, but there is also a multiplayer part of the game. Here you take on an emergency scenario with online players. Each of you take on a role as a crew member and you cooperate to prevent disaster. If there not enough real life players, AI crew members will fill in the remaining roles.

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