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Sharing the mediterranean culture in Europe: Developing, Exchanging and Spreading professionnal skills in tourism management through professional practising in Mediterannean companies
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There is no doubt that the economic crisis our country has lately been suffering from has created the need for timely preparation, organization and promotion of both partner countries in general and the involved cities, in particular. Besides, the enhancement of the provided Touristic and Cooking services is required. The suggested project involves the placement of trainees from 2 relevant departments of the Public Institute of Vocational Training (I.E.K) of Patras in institutes and enterprises of another Mediterranean country, Spain. The placements will take place for 2 weeks each, aiming at the participants' further education and practical training, as well as their involvement in productive activities in the sectors Tourism Management, and Cooking. It is apparent that the wider region of Achaia is characterized by lack of industrialization, and as a result, high levels of unemployment, especially for young people. Moreover, the touristic infra-structure of Patras is deficient, characterized by low levels of services offered. Undoubtedly, though, our city has excelled in the cultural field, where it has shown significant activities (International Festival, the Carnival, Theatrical teams, etc.). The Municipality of Patras has undertaken to implement the cultural activities, with the active involvement of other sectors, organizations and local authorities. For the above reasons, we have selected partners who can assist in the dissemination of right practices concerning the planning, implementation and support of activities and other actions in terms of challenging, developmental trends in the Tourism Labour Market , Cooking Art and New Technologies. The innovative aspects of the project are: 1. Specialized training in fields covering specific Touristic needs that have arisen during the economic recession. 2. The involvement of 2 relevant disciplines, having as a long-term objective the cooperation for the achievement of a common target, the development of new trends in the Tourism labour market, with the aid of new Technologies. 3. Placement of beneficiaries in Initial Vocational Training in relevant to their field Small Businesses in other European countries, in order to implement real-life work-placements. 4. Use of New Technologies for Educational purposes, as well as for communication, and supervising the placements. The following placements will be implemented under the limits of Erasmus Student Mobility: Placement 1: Sixteen (16) trainees of the Department 'Cooks - Chefs" will be placed from 01/11/2015 to 16/11/2015 in the Organization EUROPROYECTOS LEONARDO DA VINCI in Cordoba and 2 accompanying teachers (one per week) Placement 2: Sixteen (16) trainees of the Department "Tourism Management" will be placed from 01/04/2016 to 16/04/2016 in the Organization EUROPROYECTOS LEONARDO DA VINCI and 2 accompanying teachers (one per week) Placement 3: Eight (8) members of staff (Educational and Administrative Personnel) of the IEK of Patras will be placed from 01/11/2015 to 16/11/2015 in the Organization EUROPROYECTOS LEONARDO DA VINCI for further training in the sectors of Tourism Management, Cooking and Foreign Languages in Cordoba, Spain . More specifically the beneficiaries of the project will be involved into: - Staff training and educational research -Design, Organization and support of cultural and touristic events -Developing Good Practices of organization and support of the promotion of historical places and cultural elements of our city -Design and support of the Touristic Information offered to visitors in our city -Exploring ways of facilitating visitors of the wider region -Using New Technologies and E-Commerce -Implementing the latest good practices and Technology in the field of Tourism and Cooking It is hoped that the acquired knowledge and work experience will enhance the beneficiaries' employability in the targeted labour market, both at a national and international level, reduce the levels of unemployment and in the long-term will aid them to exploit the dynamics of Information Technology to provide good Practices and sustainable Tourism development and promotion of the city of Patras.

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