Sharing Identities
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Nov 25, 2014
The youth exchange entitled “Sharing identities” has been developed in partnership with the Egyptian Association “Waseela For Training and Development”, the Spanish association “AJ Intercambia” and the “Forum Connecting Cultures ” an organization based in Morocco. It will take place in Palermo (Sicily) and it will last six days. We foresee to involve 24 young people between 18-25 years old (6 for each country). Gender balance will be guaranteed.
The general objective of the exchange is to increase knowledge of the origins of the cultures of belonging discovering the similarity with the culture of the other in the direction of a cross-cultural training of participants. The exchange promotes the dialogue between young people with different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds and also to disseminate essential European social cultural and civic values, such as equality, tolerance and respect. This mobility experience will allow the participants to gain personal, interpersonal and intercultural knowledge and skills, necessary to understand the complexity of modern reality. To achieve the objective of the project, we will use the methodology of intercultural learning as a mean to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
During the exchange, non-formal education tools like self-awareness exercises, role playing and simulation activities will be organized in order to bring out the similarities between the particpants cultures identifying and valueing the differences. The project aims to enhance the attitudes of self-esteem and confidence, self-knowledge and awareness of one’s own emotions, and the quality of interpersonal communication and the development of a self-critical attitude, thus developing a sense of responsibility towards the community and developing of active citizenship. We foresee to realize various types of activities that facilitate dialogue among the participants addressing issues such as the history of cultures, customs and traditions, architectural influences and Arabic influence on the languages of the participants. The final event, foresees the involvment of the local community through the public sharing in a central square of the city of an intercative model realized by the participants during the activities. This will be an opportunity for the local population to deal with own prejudices or beliefs, and to find out the opportunities provided by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Programme.